Chapter 32: Lookout

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"We'll need more gas and supplies for this place to stay up and running." Steven explained to us. "We'll go. Do whatever we can to keep this place alive." Rick looked around at other members of the group, Daddy included. "Some of my group could help. Shane, T-Dog, Glenn," Rick said and looked at Daddy before saying "Daryl." I squeezed his hand hard, letting him know that I wasn't very comfortable with him going. We were very good at reading each other. "I know," he whispered down to me.

Later that night while we were eating dinner, Rick brought up the conversation about going on a run again. "If we found a lot of supplies this place could stay running and even if we keep going out and gathering supplies we could make a life here." Daddy scoffed from beside me. "Got something you wanna say, Dixon?" Shane asked from across the table. "Gettin' way ahead of yer'selfs. Can't stay boxed up in here forever."

"Better than out there." Andrea shot back. "I'd rather be out there survivin' than in here like a pussy." "Watch your language." Rick warned him. "I ain't goin' on that run unless Ally comes with me. I ain't leavin' her here." This was the first time Daddy talked to me about the run. I didn't know I was going with him. "We ain't taking her man. She can barely walk with tripping on her feet." Shane spoke up, offending me a little. I wasn't as weak as I looked. I wasn't completely helpless. "The fuck you know?" Daddy yelled to Shane. I could see a fight breaking out here soon.

"She can't fight, Dixon. Get that through your head. She's not meant for out there. She needs to stay inside." Shane tried to explain his opinion on me and it only made Daddy upset more. "She's goin' with me and ya' don't know shit 'bout her." Daddy got up and stormed out of the room, leaving the rest of our group speechless.


"Daddy, why do I have to wear this?" I pulled on the suited armor that was currently clinging to my body. It was tight and felt funny. "Because the walkers won't be able to bite to ya'," Daddy said while putting some ammo into his gun and packing some more into a bag. "Oh, well... What can I do to help?" I wasn't able to shoot or kill walkers, but I still wanted to contribute since Daddy was taking me with him. "Yer' gonna be on lookout. We want ya' watching the roads and the rooms. All ya' have to do is yell if there's a walker, okay baby?" I nodded my head, "okay." My job seemed simple enough. All I had to do was watch out for the monsters and if I see one, then I tell Daddy.

I helped grab some of the bags for the trip. We were leaving in five minutes and staying out all night and all the next day. We should be back by tomorrow night. I carried the bags down to the exit and put them by the door. Steven and Kyle were suited up, readying to go. "Hold the fort down, Dale!" Steven yelled up to Dale who was waving at us. "Keep my dog safe!" He yelled back. "He'll be fine." I looked behind me to see Ace running towards me, wagging his tail.

"Hi, Ace!" I bent down to pet him and he barked, wagging his tail. "Are you gonna protect me?" I asked playfully. "Yes you are!"

"Ally!" Daddy yelled. I quickly stood up and put my hands behind my back. "Sorry..." I whined. Daddy pointed his finger at me and whispered in my ear. "Yer' so gonna  get fucked when we get back." I blushed deeply and looked down. He's never said anything like that to me before and it actually turned me on more than I wanted to admit. 

Daddy stomped away toward the guns and I looked up to see the group staring at me with sad eyes. They probably thought he threatened me. Daddy wasn't like that and I didn't like how the group thought he was bad man. Daddy was pure and good. He was the best Daddy in the world.

"Let's get ready," Rick yelled out. Steven had taught Dale how to operate the building and he unlocked the front doors for us. Daddy and Shane took care of the stray walkers and built up a fort around the CDC with the dead bodies. It would mask our smell so the walkers wouldn't find us very easily while he lived her at the CDC.

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