Chapter 37: One Step Forward

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I saw Daddy talking to Kyle and I loved that they were friends, or at least seemed to be. Daddy needed to not be so grumpy all the time and hate every man that said hi to me. Kyle wasn't that bad. "Ally, honey. Do you need new clothes. We found some." Lori said holding up some pants. "Yes, I do." I skipped over to her near the car. Lori, Carol and I looked through the clothes. It wasn't about style anymore. It was about finding what fit you. It must've been my lucky day because I found the cutest pair of pink capris and a white t-shirt to go with it. "Sophia could wear this." Carol said holding up a yellow shirt to show us. We both agreed and continued looking in the cars for supplies. "How are you and Daryl? You too okay?" Lori asked me, placing a hand on my shoulder as she passed to the other side of the car. "We're okay..." I mumbled while looking at the ground. I shrugged her hand off and she apologized. I didn't know what to say about Daddy and I. We were fine, honestly. But our spark was missing. We weren't the same happy couple we were at the beginning of our relationship. Now we have the stress of the world ending and trying to stay alive. Plus, my incident two weeks ago.

Our relationship was dying all because I went crazy and tried to kill somebody.


Stop thinking like that! Daddy says I was just protecting myself because that man wanted to hurt me.

"Are you sure? You can tell me anything sweetie." Lori was always nice to me and I've grown to love her like family. She placed her hands on my shoulders and that's when I started to get emotional. Not just because she was touching me, but because it didn't scare me and I felt safe. My eyes watered a bit, but there was no time for crying nowadays. That didn't stop me though, "I miss us... I wanna... be... little... again." Lori pulled me in for a hug and rubbed my back. I knew she didn't quite understand what I was saying or how I felt, but she was there to listen and that meant a lot to me. I was one step forward now with touching and letting people in.

"We're here for you." Lori reminded me. I gave her a tight hug before taking a deep breath. I could see Daddy from a distance with Rick. They were probably scouting or something. Kyle approached me. "Hey there, Hun." He placed his hand on my side and smiled. It was weird and uncomfortable to have another man touch me, even in the most harmless way. I was Daddy's. Everyone knew it. I wasn't even good with touching right now, especially with men. Lori was the first person to comfort me like that. I don't even let Daddy touch me much, and Kyle was making me uncomfortable. "Hi..." I awkwardly shifted on my feet and pulled away. "It's a nice day out. We found lots of supplies and food. Things are looking good." He explained. I only nodded, unsure of what to say. "Do you know why Daddy is out there with Rick?" I asked. Kyle shrugged. "I wanna see him." I said then started walking towards Daddy, but Kyle grabbed my wrist, holding me back. "Uh, I don't t-think he wants to b-be bothered." Kyle stuttered and it threw me off. Daddy doesn't mind if I'm around. He knows I need him next to me and Daddy likes if I'm close by. Kyle didn't want me out there for some reason. "Daddy doesn't care. He likes me around." I smile and try to walk off again only to have Kyle squeeze my wrist harder. "No." He growled out at me. I winced  and pulled away shocked. I rubbed my wrist and walk away towards Daddy. Kyle tried to hurt me and I didn't understand why. It scared me too.

On the way to see Daddy, I cried. I'm so emotional and it makes me upset that I'm like this. I rub my reddening wrist. It stings, almost like a bee sting. My heart is beating fast from the encounter moments ago, but I'm also alert for walkers on the loose. One could pop up randomly at any moment. Once I'm in Rick's sight, he smiles and stops talking to Daddy.

"Ally," Rick greets. I wave lightly without smiling. Daddy pulls me close to his chest and I take a deep breath finally feeling at home in his arms. "What's wrong? Ya' look scared." I was scared. Scared of walkers. Dying. Being attacked. Kyle.

"What happened to your wrist?" Rick asked me. I pulled my hand away and hid it behind my back. "Yer' wrist? Baby, let me see." Daddy gently pulls my arm out, seeing the red skin in a hand print. "Someone put their hands on ya'? Who was it? Tell me?" He growled. I shake my head, afraid it would cause problems if I told. I didn't want to get anyone hurt. "No one..." I lied.

Daddy shook his head, "ya' don't lie to me Ally-Cat. Tell me the truth." I bit down on my lip and shrugged. "Kyle told me I couldn't come see you and I tried so he held me back."  I admitted. I watched Daddy glared at Rick and say, "told ya'."

"Ya' listen to me, not him. Got it?" I nodded. Daddy grabbed my wrist, carefully running his thumb over the red marks. He kissed it and I smiled. "I love ya'. I want ya' to stay away from him too. He's bad and he wants to hurt ya'."

"I thought I have to hurt bad people and people who try to hurt me?" I asked. Rick was glaring at Daryl. "Yeah, same applies for this. Just come and get me if somethin' bad hurts." "Okay. I'm sorry that I lied." Daddy kissed my forehead, "it's okay."

I heard someone approach us. "Hey, is there anyway I can borrow Ally?" It was Dale and he had Ace with him. "Puppy!" I ran over to him and started petting him. "Yeah." Daddy said. "Daryl and I have to talk anyways." Rick told us. Daddy gave me a light kiss on the shoulder before letting me go wth Dale.

Daryl's POV
After Ally and Dale were a good distance away, Rick stepped up to me. "Telling her to hurt everyone that tries to hurt her? And bad people? What makes someone a bad person? You can't just have her hurting people that she thinks are bad, Daryl. It's not good. A bad person to her may be someone who steals her crayons." Rick ranted. He wasn't very happy with what I told Ally. If anyone tried to hurt her then I told her to hurt them. Rick didn't like that at all. But my Ally was smart. She knew what kind of people to look out for. She knew who to hurt and who not to hurt. "Listen, I'm just lookin' out for me and her. Kyle ain't good. I told ya' what he said to me. I don't want he near him. I don't want her near anyone that's a danger. She knows right from wrong and she'll tell me if somethin' gets out of hand." I explained. Ally was little, but she still knew right from wrong. But she's innocent, and I'm afraid that will get her in trouble. People will take advantage of her. Especially Kyle.

"Well, maybe we can all have a talk. You, Ally and I?" Rick suggested. "I guess." I shrugged. I didn't care, I just wanted her safe. "How is she with knives?" Rick asked. "A little better. She still won't touch 'em or look at 'em. But she can talk about it more." Rick seemed pleased. "Once she's over that we have to teach her to fight. Maybe even a shooting lesson. She's strong Daryl, I see it in her. She's just afraid and...." Rick was looking for the right word to describe her. "Innocent?" I asked. "Yeah," he smirked, "Innocent."

We headed back to the group to help scavenge for supplies before heading off down the road.

💖Hey guys, sorry for not updating. I've been working a whole bunch and I get busy. I hope you enjoyed this update and I'm working on another one right now. I'll also be updating a few of my other stories as well.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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