Chapter 10: Lips of an Angel

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I woke up to what I thought was an angel whispering in my ear. "Sweetheart, wake up." I finally was able to understand what it was saying, and it was definitely an angel. Daryl was sweetly whispering in my ear, trying to wake me up. I rolled over in to his chest, and put my paci back in my mouth. "Someone's still sleepy," I closed my eyes, wanting sleep.

"It's ten o'clock baby doll. Time to wake up and get breakfast." Daryl sweetly cooed in my ear. "uh-uh." I didn't want to get up right now. I was enjoying my sleep, and being cuddle by him.

The blankets were ripped from my body, and I shivered from the cold, and the fact that I had no pants on. "Daryllllllll," I whined. "I'll go get ya' a bath started." He smiled before leaving the room and headed to the bathroom.

I sat up in bed and yawned, stretching my arms above my head. Daryl came in a minute later, telling me he had my bath ready to go. I grabbed my bath time stuff and went to the bathroom. "Can I leave the door open?" I asked him. "Yeah. If ya' want. Why?" He asked holding my face. "I just feel comfortable that way." I said, hoping he wasn't bothered by it.

"Alright. If ya' need anything holler." Daryl kissed my forehead and walked out. I got undressed and slipped into the hot bath. Daryl was even sweet and added bubbles for me. I played with the bubbles and playfully sung to myself as I washed my body.

I wish I had some of my bath toys with me. I left them home and now I regret it. I heard the front door of the trailer open. "Daryl?" I asked, thinking he went outside or came back in. "Hold on a sec, angel." Daryl ran back the hall. "I'm gonna shut, and lock this door. My brother is here." I heard him say. He came in the bathroom and didn't look at me. Any other guy would stare at me, and think sexually about me. Daryl didn't look and I admired that about him.

I giggled to myself when I made a bubble beard on myself and blew it off. I stood up and rinsed off after getting clean. I wrapped myself up in a towel and ran to the bedroom. I didn't know if Daryl's brother was still here or not, so I didn't call for Daryl when I was finished.

"I'll see ya'," I heard Daryl say before coming back to his room and knocking. "Ally." "Yes," I sung to him. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Yup!" I was sitting on the bed in my towel when Daryl opened the door.

"Have a nice bath?" He asked sitting next to me. "Mhm. I smell like apples now!" I clapped my hands together and jumped in my seat. "Do ya'?" He pulled me towards him and shoved his face in my neck and took a long deep breath. "Yeah, ya' smell like apples." My body was now completely dry and all I had to do was get dressed, I was just to lazy to do it for myself at the moment.

"What should I wear?" I asked Daryl. "Whatever ya' want. Ye' can wear my shirt of ya' like." Daryl got up and grabbed a long sleeve blue flannel shirt. "Oooo." I loved the material and how it felt. I stood up and slipped it on without taking my towel off. I grabbed my underwear and pulled them up before dropping the towel to the floor.

"Like it?" I asked looking down at myself to determine for myself too. "I do. It's cute," he said and pulled me into his arms. Daryl lightly lifted me off the ground and spun us around, causing me to giggle. "Someone's giggly, today." Daryl made note of and put me on my feet. He glared at me with evil intentions.

"Don't. You. Dare." I growled out trying to be intimidating. I could by the look in his face he wasn't going to stop his plan. I took off running, trying to escape Daryl. Daryl finally got ahold of me and started tickling me again. "Please, please, please, please, please!" I laughed. I tried to grab his hands and hold him back, but I was too small compared to Daryl and the muscle he had was four times what I had. Finally, Daryl stopped and we were on the floor in the living room.

My stomach growled from under his shirt and I poked it, hushing it. "Ye' hungry?" Daryl asked sitting up. "I am, I just didn't wanna ask and be rude." I looked at the carpet, trying to avoid eye contact. "Ye' don't have to be afraid to ask for food. I won't bite ya', plus I promised ya' breakfast. It's just with merle comin' I got distracted." Daryl pulled me up to my feet and we headed to the fridge.

He pulled out a carton of eggs and a pack of bacon. My mouth watered at the sight, and my stomach ached for food. Daryl let me cook with him, and I got to set the table. "Juice, or milk?" He asked getting drinks. "Juice, please."

Daryl got our drinks and served breakfast to me before getting his own as usual. I felt Daryl kick my legs under the table. A game was footies was being started, and I blushed. Daryl and I continued to kick around gently under the table, until my knee smacked the underside and I winced. "Ouch, ouch, ouch." I pulled my knee to my chest and held it. I was mentally yelling every curse word in the book at this point. "Everythin' alright. Need an ice pack, or somethin'?" Daryl asked. He always tried to fix my boo boos that I got and I think it was sweet that he worried so much about it. Then I remembered he was a Daddy, and Daddy's are naturally worried and protective over their littles or babygirls.

After breakfast I joined Daryl on the front porch where he was sitting on a porch swing. "Can I sit?" I asked my hands crossed in front of me, as I swayed side to side, waiting impatiently like a child. "Mhm," I went to sit down next to Daryl, but he pulled me into his arms, and plopped me down on his lap.

I squeezed my legs shut, trying to be lady like. I didn't want Daryl to think I was some floozy. I didn't want sex from Daryl at the moment. I liked being near him, and talking with him. I even enjoy our gentle touches and forehead kisses he gave me at night. I still didn't know where our relationship was going due to those gestures, but if anything happened, I'd be more than pleased.

"There's pretty flowers over there," I whispered to myself, seeing the tulips in the distance. Daryl was where my eyes were looking and removed me from his lap. He ran out to the woods line and grabbed a few before coming back. "Here ya' go angel." Daryl handed me the tulips and pulled me into his lap. "Thank you. They're pretty!" I exclaimed. "I know. And ye' are too."

I shoved my face in his chest, hiding the blush that always crept upon my face when he said anything or even looked at me for that matter. He had that affect on me and I wasn't sure if it was good or bad. It could be good because that means he's sweet and makes me happy, but that's always bad, because he has a hold over me like no other, and I don't want that used against me.

As the day went on, Daryl and I were having fun with each other. We were playing silly games in his room. I sat at the top of the bed, my legs stretched out. Daryl sat beside me, holding my hand. "I spy... You." Daryl leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Ugh, Daryl!" I growled poking his side. "That's now how you play the game."

He pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him. "Yer' so cute." He whispered. Daryl was slowly leaning into me. More so than he usually would. I halted my breathing and froze. I think Daryl was going to kiss me.

He looked to my lips and then my eyes. Then, back to my lips again. I haven't been kissed by someone I liked in a long time, and I was nervous. His lips touched mine, and I finally breathed. His lips were rough, but gentle. They had a softness to them, and I was beginning to love kissing him. Our closed mouth kiss, turned into an opened mouth kiss as he placed his hands on my back and pulled me closer. My stomach did flip flops. I felt my heart speed up. Daryl Dixon was charming.

He pulled back, and for once he had the blush on his face, but so did I. "Sorry... Got carried away." I shook my head. "It was great." I told him and kissed his lips once again. Daryl Dixon had the lips of an angel, and I knew he thought the same about me.

💋They finally kissed, like really kissed!!!!

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🐥Sorry for typos!

Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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