Chapter 7: Quiet Time

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It was hot when I woke up. But a comforting hot. I was content and relaxed. Outside Daryl's window was the gorgeous woods, and I was excited to see more of Georgia.

I sat up and yawned, stretching out my arms. I pulled the sheets close to me and smiled. They smelt like him. It was a woodsy smell, and had a hint of fire to it.

I threw my legs to the side and got out of bed. I walked out to the living room and Daryl was asleep. He had his arm thrown over his eyes. I wanted to wake him up, but I didn't want to be rude. I sat down on the floor and waited for him to wake up.

I played a few games on my phone and scrolled through Ddlg shops while he slept. I heard him grunt and roll over. I watched him closely and he sat up, looking around. He glanced down to me, and furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why ye' on the floor?" His voice was hoarse with sleep and it was enough to make me melt. "Get up here," he said and moved his legs off the sofa.

I crawled up and sat on my legs. "Ye' sleep okay?" Daryl asked rubbing his eyes. "Yes. I did. Thank you. Did you?" I asked. "My back has gone through worse," he said and cracked his back.

"You can have your bed back. I didn't need to sleep on it. I could've slept on the floor." I said immediately. I didn't want Daryl sleeping uncomfortable while I stayed here.

"It's alright, Hun." Daryl stood up and walked over to the small kitchen area. "Ya' want a drink?" "Please?"

Daryl came back in with a glass of orange juice for me and a cup coffee for him. "Thank you." I said and took a long drink.

Daryl placed my glass on the table and we sat there staring at each other. "Do you have work?" I got off work for a week, but did he?

"No." He answered. "Only when they need me." I nodded slowly and he looked uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" I asked and touched his shoulder. He flinched, then gave me an apologetic look.

"Nothin'," he smiled covering it up. "Okay." Things were quiet, and they were too quiet for my loud, energetic self. I turned on some country music on my phone and smiled. "It was quiet." I mentioned. "Yeah, it was." Daryl fumbled with his hands a little and then grabbed my hand. His thumb was rubbing circles on the top of my hand and I blushed a deep red again.

"Stop making me blush?" I giggled and leaned my head on his shoulder. Daryl chuckled too and we both heard the loud rumble outside.

"What's that?" I asked and stood up with him. "My brother... He can be, rude... And ignorant... And an asshole. Just ignore him and let me do the talkin'." Daryl had a brother?

"Okay," I whispered and sat down. Daryl opened the door and a tall man walked inside. He was bald and had a rough look to him.

"Well, well, well, Darylina finally became a man last night I see!" His voice was obnoxious and his laugh was the same. "Cut it out, Merle." Daryl whispered, hoping I wouldn't hear him, but he failed.

"I just came to see if you had some cash," he nudged Daryl. "I need something." Merle laughed.

Daryl growled and pulled a twenty out of his wallet, handing it over to Merle. "A little more baby brother," Merle said rudely. Daryl gave him more money, but I didn't see how much this time.

"See ya' pretty lady." Merle winked at me and chuckled before leaving. Daryl locked the door and sighed. "M'sorry 'bout him." I shook my head, it wasn't Daryl's fault. "It's fine."

Daryl and I sat on couch talking about ourselves more. I learned his birthday was April 9th. "You're a spring baby!" I squealed. "Me too! My birthday is May 2!" Daryl nodded, "I hate my birthday. It's a girly birthday." "No, no, no, no, no! Spring birthdays are great! It's all pretty outside, and Easter! Ohhh I love Easter! And, and, and it's not a girly birthday!" I was jumping up and down expressing how I felt about being born in the spring.

Daryl told me more about Merle and how he wasn't the greatest brother out there, but Daryl still loved him. "Where's yer' parents?" Daryl asked. "My mom and dad live back at home. They live like three hours away so I don't get to see them as much as I'd like too. What about you?" I was interested to hear about his family.

"Mom died when I was young, and I could care less about my dad. He was an asshole." Daryl spat, almost like he was remembering bitter thoughts. I watched his fist tighten. "Hey, calm down. It's all over now." I whispered and placed my hand on his fist. He relaxed and grabbed my hand.

Daryl was sweet, and I could tell by the way he reacted that he didn't have a good past with his father, whatever that might be. I wanted Daryl to be happy with me, even if we just stayed friends.

"Ya' ready to go out and do somethin'?" I cocked my head to the side. "Where we going?" I asked. "It's a surprise. Go get ready." Daryl squeezed my knee and I took that as a hint to 'get the move on'. I showered quickly and put on my favorite baby blue dress with yellow flowers on it. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and didn't bother with make up.

"All done." I said and twirled around letting Daryl see me. "Ye' look cute." He said grabbing my hand twirling me around. "I brought a whole bunch of clothes to wear and this is my favorite dress!" I explained. Daryl must've liked my dress too because he couldn't take his eyes off me. I enjoyed being looked at by him.

Walking out to his truck, I stopped in my tracks when I seen a deer in the woods. "Look..." I whispered. I watched the deer snap it's head up and look at me before running off deeper into the trees.

"They come 'round all the time." Daryl mentioned pulling me to his truck. "Oh that's nice." I looked around and seen bunnies hopping away too. "Bunnies!" I was about to dart off to catch them, but Daryl grabbed my waist. "Nope. In the truck angel." He had a firm grip on me and wasn't letting go anytime soon. Daryl put me in the truck and we started driving around Georgia.

"We could go to the park?" I suggested. Daryl squinted at the sun and then looked at me, "yeah, alright." Maybe he would push me on the swing. Either way, I was excited.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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