Chapter 24: Fighting

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"Merle! What the fuck did I tell ya'!" Daddy screamed from one side of the camp. I covered my ears and sat down against the RV, not wanting to hear them fight again. Merle was high once again, but it was nothing new. He was like this a lot, it's just sometimes he got really out of it and made Daddy very angry. I didn't like when Daddy was angry. It scared me. Not because I think Daddy would hurt me, but because Daddy doesn't need to be mad or hurt people.

I wasn't sure where Merle was getting his drugs at. Daddy didn't know either, but it made Daddy very upset that Merle left a lot and went on runs by himself. Merle got on my nerves sometimes, but I still cared about him. "Ace!" I smiled seeing the dog come and sit next to me. It was a good distraction from the fight that was going on in front of me. I never intervened with the fights, especially if they got physical. And believe me, they have.

"Daryl, calm down." Dale told him. Daddy didn't like when other people got in his business. The young Asian man, Glenn, was off to the side lines ready to help Dale if Daddy retaliated against them all. He wouldn't though, I knew Daddy better than anyone and he wouldn't hurt them unless they hurt me or Merle. "I'm done with ya' Merle!" Daddy stormed over on my direction. He grabbed my bicep and pulled me up to my feet. From another persons point of view it would've looked like he yanked me up roughly, but for me he didn't. Daddy was very gentle with me and I actually felt a bit of arousal from him getting a little rough with me. "Where are we going?" I asked once we were far enough away from the group.

"For a walk. Need to clear my head." Daddy released my arm and his fingers slowly began to interlock with mine. I decided to talk to him so his mind would stray from the fight with Merle. "Is it time for me to get my crayons back. I wanna color you a picture." I made my puppy dog eyes up at him and stood on my tip toes, slowly leaning in for a kiss. Daddy grunted and I could tell he was thinking about it. "Probably... But I get to pick which picture ya' color." I smiled widely before jumping into his arms with happiness. "Thank you, Daddy." I pecked his lips. I loved kissing him, even if it was just gentle, harmless kisses like this one.

"Can we go back to camp now?" There was no way that Daddy would be able to resist me. "I guess so." The minute Daddy set me down and my feet touched the dirt I grabbed his hand and started darting to our tent. I didn't get very far because I wasn't strong enough to pull Daddy along the same way he does with me. "Here." Daddy handed my crayons back to me and we sat down outside out tent. I was sitting between Daddy's leg as he sat on a long making more bolts for his crossbow.

"Which one?" I asked holding the coloring book up so he could pick a picture for me to color. Daddy grabbed the book from my hands and flipped through the pages. "This one." Be put the book back in my lap. The picture he chose for me to color was a forest picture with lots of wildlife in the background. "Okay!" I got to work on the picture. Taking my time to make sure that I didn't color outside the lines or color to dark in a certain area.

"Yer' doin' good baby girl." Daddy kissed my forehead and I blushed. He always made me swoon with his sweet words. Once it was done I turned around to show Daddy my beautiful masterpiece. "Is it okay?" I asked, hoping he wouldn't criticize my work. "It's beautiful baby. I love it. Good job!" Daddy pulled me into his lap and whispered sweet things into my ear. As I looked up Shane was glaring at me again. I knew that Shane was jealous of the bond that Daddy and I shared. I decided to kiss Daddy right in front of Shane, giving him the hint to back off. As my lips crashed with Daddy's, he pulled me tighter against him and parted my lips with his own. I gasped quietly as I felt his tongue enter my mouth and pulled away, afraid of what would happen if we continued.

"Just wait until tonight. I'm gonna love ya' all night." Daddy whispered before setting me aside and walking away. Daddy's never said that before. Well, he's said naughty things to me before, but this was just sweet and romantic. I loved that my Daddy loved my and cared about me the same way I did. As the night went on, dinner was soon passed around. Everyone was taking a portion for themselves, then going back to get more if there was any. Daddy always made sure to give me more than what he got. It worried me a bit though because I didn't want Daddy to starve because of me. I wanted him big and strong so he could hunt and help take care of us.

"Daddy..." I whispered quietly as the group was talking about old times. "Hmm?" I made sure no one was looking at me before grabbing his hand and standing up. Of course leaving dinner attracted their attention, but they didn't question it. "What baby?" Daddy asked as I dragged him back to the tent. "You said all night..." I teased walking into the tent. "I did say all night Ms. Ally-Cat." I could hear the smirk in his voice as he pulled me to straddle his lap. I giggled and placed my hands on his chest as I felt his lips trailing up and down my neck. Soon his lips were trailing down my chest, sucking and biting at the tops of breast.

"Mmm..." I moaned and started to grind my hips against his. Daddy laughed then started running his hands up my back. "Yer' so beautiful sweet pea." I felt the strap of my bra come undone.

"I wonder who did that?" Daddy pushed my shirt off and acted surprised. "Oh my god... My baby girl is half naked!" He exclaimed sweetly in my ear. I giggled and pulled him in close so we were chest to chest. "I'm not completely naked... Yet." I leaned in to kiss his lips. "I say we get ya' completely naked then I'll see what I can do."

Daddy flipped me over so I was laying on our makeshift bed. Daddy teasingly started to kiss my neck, then down between my breast, and all over my tummy. I gasped loudly when his fingers squeezed and pulled at my hardened nipples. Daddy continued kissing down my tummy until he reached me panties. He stopped for a brief moment before using his hands to pull them off slowly, kissing my hips and legs in the process. I started to pant quietly and Daddy noticed. "Gettin' all excited baby?" "Mhm."

The feeling of his mouth on my lower half had me shivering and struggling to keep quiet. I bit my lip trying to not make too much noise, but it slipped out. "Hush." He growled. I lay my head back and take deep breaths feeling my orgasm building up and up. Daddy started to kiss up to my lips and I giggled as he started to tickle my stomach. "Daddy!"

"I love ya'." He whispered. I reached my hands down to undo his belt. "And I love you." I nuzzled our noses together and loved how he smiled at me with such love. I ran my hands over Daryl's shoulders feeling his muscles and how defined they are.

"Yer' gorgeous," Daddy nibbled at my collarbone and parted my legs with his. I moaned quietly when he entered me very slowly. I lost all control over my body though when he pinned my hands by my head and sweetly attacked my neck and chest with kisses as he slammed into me between my legs with glorious thrust.

We were both sweating and panting, wanting be our release. Daddy being a gentleman wanted me to cum first. "Cum for me sweet pea... Let go for Daddy baby girl." We never had a rule about cumming without permission, but just hearing him tell me to cum made me feel better about actually having my release. As I climaxed Daddy fell on top of me as he found his own. I giggled and ran my fingers through his hair as he kissed my chest.

"I lucked out with ya'. I can't believe how perfect ya' are for me. We fit together like two peas in a pod." He brushed some hair away from face as he kissed my lips, sending that same fire burning feeling to my stomach again. "Or like peanut butter and jelly." I mentioned.

"Same thing." Daddy said before rolling over in his side and pulling me into his chest. His arms wrapped around me securely as he gently kissed me. "Do you think we could go home?" I asked tracing my fingertips up his chest. "I don't think so baby. The world is gone, but I promise that I won't let it take ya' down."

"I know that. I'm so glad I have you to keep me safe and I love you very much, Daddy. Thank you so much for everything you've done. I wouldn't have made it this far without you." I wrapped my arms around Daddy's waist and squeezed him tightly. "Yer' welcome Ally-Cat. I love ya' too, now get some sleep. We have a busy day tomorrow."

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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