Chapter 12: Tears

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It's been a few days since I've got home from visiting Daryl. I haven't been in the greatest mood either. I wasn't happy and cheerful like I usually was when I went to work, and people were noticing. The kids made me a get well soon card because they thought I was sick. And I am sick... love sick.

I spent my first few nights home crying myself to sleep trying to imagine that Daryl was here with me. I just wanted to be held by him and it wasn't possible with the distance between us. It was literally eating me alive that I was so far away from him. Those couple of nights turned into every night. I cried everyday for Daryl to be here. Once when I woke up. Once when I went to bed. And even sometimes in the middle of the day and he'd text me sweet messages.

It was Friday night and I was once again on the phone with Daryl, missing him like crazy.

"Ya' doin' alright?" He asked like always.

"I guess." I said sniffling away tears. Every time I heard his voice I broke down in tears.

"Baby," he said sweetly.

"Huh?" I asked.

"Stop bein' sad. It's Friday." He did have a point.

I giggled and rolled my eyes, "Okay... I'll try." I wiped away some tears.

Daryl and I talked until three a.m. before he told me to go to sleep. I wanted to see him soon and the only chance I had was spring break, but we only got a few days for that. Then came my summer vacation. I could spend my whole summer with him since I get paid over the summer and my money gets direct deposited into my account. I'd still have to see though because if Daryl and I were still serious by then, I'd move down there with him or make him come up here. But, we both had families and that made it hard to decide what to do. I guess we'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

I haven't called him Daddy much since I left Georgia. It's not that I don't want too, it's just I'd rather do it in person. I still call him Daddy when I'm really in little space, but that hasn't happened much because I've been too sad to get into little space. Being little doesn't feel right without Daryl. Nothing in life feels right anymore because isn't here with me.


Daryl once again sent me another gift. This time it was delivered to my door step because I trusted him enough with my address. I stayed with him for a week in his house, I think he deserves my address.

I wasn't expecting a large box when the delivery guy handed it to me. This box was bigger than the last one and I was excited to see what he got me this time. It was still early in the morning when I got the box and I decided not to call Daryl until later and let him sleep in a little.

Inside the box was a pacifier along with many other things. The paci had Daryl's Ally-Cat on the front it cute writing. He also sent me a sippy cup, new pajamas, some Disney movies and a little deer stuffie. It reminded me of Bambi.

I couldn't help but squeal and jump up and down. Seeing all this stuff put me into little space for the first time in a few days and I called Daryl wanting to thank him. He didn't pick up the first time which was odd. Daryl always answered my phone calls. I called again and again, still not getting an answer.

I was in my bedroom playing with my new stuffie and watching Alice In Wonderland when he called me back.

"Finally!" I said answering the phone then immediately went into thanking him. "I love everything you got me! Thank you thank you thank you!" I yelled into the phone.

"Yer' welcome baby. Anything for my Ally-cat." He cooed sweetly. I started tearing up again. Why was he so sweet?

"I miss ya' baby, bad. I miss ya' so, so, so, much." He said and I had to put the phone down because I was shaking. I was having another breakdown because he was so sweet to me and he wasn't here physically. It was killing me being away from him. It almost seemed unreal.

I was just about to speak when I had a knock on my door. I groaned internally and stood up. "I miss you too, but hold on someone is at my door." I heard Daryl scoff, hoping he wasn't upset about it.

As I walked to the front door I hoped it wasn't some weirdo or something, because I would freak out. I opened the door sighing, but then I started freaking out when I saw a redneck in a flannel shirt, jeans and work boots.

"I'm think I'm lost, can ya' help me?" Daryl smirked and pretended to be lost. I screamed and grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him inside, kissing his lips roughly and holding onto him for dear life. I tripped over my own feet and fell backwards but Daryl caught me holding me in his arms and running his hands all over me.

He was here.

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