Chapter 6: Landed

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❤️I updated because I love your guys comments!

The flight landed at four forty in the morning and I texted Daryl telling him I was here. He said he was waiting for me and I was really nervous. I was actually thinking about hiding on the plane, and never getting off.

Most of the people on my flight were businessmen and women. I got my luggage and pulled it along behind me. I seen people waiting for others and I kept trying to figure out which one was Daryl. I couldn't really see either.

I stumbled upon a man, short light brown hair, fairly tall, a small goatee. He was wearing a brown flannel t shirt with the sleeves cut off, jeans and work boots. That was Daryl. It had to be. The voice matched the description.

He was perfect.

He looked at me and I saw him crack a smile, confirming it was him. I dropped my stuff and ran towards him, throwing myself into his arms.

"Slow down girl." Daryl had me wrapped up in his arms and held me. My legs were wrapped around his waist and I felt so complete. I started crying. I couldn't believe I was actually here with him and for a whole week.

"Daryl..." I whispered out.

"Ally-cat." His voice was even sexier in person.

I was finally back on my feet and took a step back to take in what was Daryl Dixon. He was so perfect, and I couldn't understand why he thought I wouldn't like him. He was too hot.

"Told ya' I ain't much to look at," he grumbled and looked to the floor. "You're perfect, Daryl." He looked up and scoffed a bit.

"Ye' got jet lag or somethin'," he joked. "No! Stop it." He giggled. "Wanna get goin'?" He asked. I nodded, turning around to get my bags. Daryl reached them before me, and lifted them into his arms. I almost started drooling as his arms flexed right in front of me.

"Ye' got a hotel or somethin'?" Daryl asked. "No... I was figuring I could stay with you. I'm so sorry, I should've asked first." I felt bad now. What if Daryl didn't want me to stay with him? "Ye' can." He said throwing my bags into the bed of a pick up truck.

As I got in the truck and buckled my seat belt I couldn't stop staring at Daryl. He was so sweet and cute and adorable, not to mention he was a man. Like a real man, and it showed. He looked tough and intimating, but he wasn't and I loved that I was the only one who knew that.

"No more phone calls, or text messages." I said breaking the silence. "Good thing. I was beginning to worry... I spent more time on the phone than I did with friends... But it's okay, because it was you." He looked over at me and have a half smile. "Ye' look cute."

I blushed deeply and looked away. "Not so open now?" Daryl joked. I blushed harder. "Look at ya'. Face all red, and embarrassed."

I smiled widely and giggled. "Ye' giggle a lot too." "Daryl..." I whined, he was making fun of me and I was actually having a good time with it.

"Ye' hungry?" He asked. I haven't ate since I had my lunch at work. I was too hyped up to eat. "Yes," I answered politely.

"Anything particular?" Most guys would go where they wanted to go, Daryl was sweet and asked me what I wanted. "Do you have Denny's?"

A little while later we were walking into Denny's, about to be seated. Daryl held the door open for me and playfully tickled my side. "Stop..." I whined quietly. "Just two?" The waitress asked.

She led us to a booth in the back corner. "What would you like to drink?" She asked. "Chocolate milk," I said. "Coffee is fine."

As she walked away, I got situated in my seat. "It's really early. I'm sleepy." I rubbed my face trying to wake myself up. Milk was not a good idea because it makes me sleepy. But, maybe the chocolate will keep me up.

"Get back to my place and ye' can go to sleep." Daryl said across the table. "I wanna sleep..." I pouted and rested my head in the table.

"Just eat first and then ye' can go ni ni." I perked up at bit. I never heard anyone else use the term Ni ni. It was something that I guess was little language, because all of the people I met in Ddlg said that.

"I say ni ni too." I told him and eyed the waitress who had my chocolate milk. "Do ya'?" He asked. I nodded and the waitress handed us the menus.

"What should I get?" I asked myself out loud while looking at the choices. I wasn't in the mood for breakfast right now and I wanted something spicy.

"I want those!" I pointed to the spicy chicken tenders. "Me too," Daryl said staring at me. I loved when he looked at me, mostly because I got to stare into his eyes and see the pretty blue orbs. "You have pretty eyes. They sparkle!" I told him while he looked down at the table. When Daryl looked back up his eyes were dark, not like in a scary way, but a way that held dominance.

We ordered and ate quickly because I was about to have a tantrum fit if I didn't get any sleep soon. It was way over my bedtime that I tried to keep for myself.

We pulled up to Daryl's place. It was a cute little trailer with woods surrounding it. I found it cute. "It's so little, I love it! I love tiny things, like kitties, oh there so cute!" I let myself slip into little space. Hopefully Daryl wouldn't freak out or something. I wasn't going to use my pacifier in front of him just yet, but I tried to let my real self show so I could see how he would handle it.

Daryl grabbed my bags and led me inside. The house was dimly lit by a small table lamp, but I could see perfectly. His place had a homey feel too it and his couch looked comfortable. I wanted to lay down on it and sleep for a day, but I didn't want to be rude, so I waited for Daryl to tell me what to do.

"I'll take the couch. Ye' can have my bedroom." He said pulling me to the small bedroom in the back. The bed had camouflaged sheets and blankets and there was a dresser in the corner. Daryl didn't have much stuff in his room, just a bed and his clothes and a few other things. His nightstand held a phone charger and a small lamp. He had a poster on his wall. It was a scenic picture with bears.

"Bathroom is down the hall, if ye' need anything come and get me, alright?" He asked. "Yeah. Thank you, Daryl." I wrapped my arms around his waist before heading to the bathroom for change my clothes and clean up a bit. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and slipped on my pajamas. I was going towards the bedroom, but instead I turned and went out to the living room where Daryl was.

I kept my arms over my chest because I wasn't wearing a bra and I didn't want to be rude. "What's wrong?" He asked turning the tv down. "Nothing... I just wanted to come out here." I said and plopped down beside him.

"Ye' look cute in those." Daryl pulled at my pant leg. "Thank you." I smiled and rested my eyes for a minute. I could feel myself falling asleep, but my back was killing me from that plane ride.

"Ugh!" I groaned out loud and tried cracking my back. "Ye' okay?" Daryl asked. "My back hurts. Those seats on the plane knotted me all up." I gave a light laugh.

"Trust me?" He asked. "Why?" I asked a little skeptical. "Come here." Daryl held his arms open and I didn't understand what he was doing. A second later he pulled me on his lap, my back facing him.

I felt his hands touch my neck and I start giggling. "I'm ticklish." "Shh, just relax." He said and started working out the knots in my neck that I didn't even know were there. I gasped when his fingers moved to my shoulders, it felt so good and I was starting to relax.

When Daryl got down to the bottom of my back he chuckled. "What?" I asked. "Yer' back dimples are sweet." I pulled my shirt down when his hands slipped up underneath and blushed. "Go get some sleep, sweet pea." I was about to say 'yes, Daddy' but stopped myself. "Yes, Daryl. Ni ni." I smiled and stood up walking back to his bed and snuggling into his sheets.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥🔥

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