Chapter 18: Keep You Safe

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Merle told us to pack up our things and head to the woods. I didn't think Daryl would actually go with him until he went to his bedroom and started to grab all the belongings he had to his name. "Daryl," I whispered. He didn't looked at me and kept packing. I felt like life was over. I had to get back home and see if my parents were okay. "Daryl!" I yelled a bit too loud. "Sit down!" He growled and knew that he was upset with my raising my voice.

I watched as Daddy packed up all of his stuff, then checked through my bags, getting rid of anything he though was unnecessary, like my hair straightener, and curling iron. Daddy finally got down on one knee and held my hands, he looked up at me and I felt protected in that moment. "Yer' gonna have to stay with me baby girl, alright? We need to stay together, and if one of them geeks come around, ya' come get me or Merle. I ain't gonna let anythin' happen to ya'." He explained and kissed my knuckles. "But-but-but, I need to get home, and see my parents." I told him. Daddy stood up and sat beside me. He spoke softly to me, trying not to hurt my feelings. "The airports are shut down, sweet pea. No one is goin' anywhere. All that matters right now is that I keep ya' safe."

Daryl was right, if those... things outside were rabid and psycho then I need to keep safe, and no one else was better for that job than my Daddy. We still had electric at the trailer, but Merle assured us that it would be shut off soon, so he and Daddy started to bottle up water for us to drink. I was never one for the woods, but it looks like I'm gonna have to get used to it. I grabbed up my coloring books and paci and placed it in my bag. I had to have those. It was something I needed.

I heard Daddy call my name from the kitchen and walked out to see what he needed. "Yes?" I said sweetly. "Ye' got all yer' stuff?" I nodded my head. "Good girl. Bring it out here so Merle can take it to the truck." I ran back to our bedroom and grabbed my bags for Merle.

We had everything ready to go and I was beginning to wonder if this was how it would be forever. Will they cure the virus? I sure do hope so.

"Ally-cat, let's go, baby." Daddy said softly and led me down to the truck with his crossbow in hand. Merle would be riding his bike, and Daddy and I had his truck. "Ye' got everythin' baby brother?" Merle asked coming up to the side of Daddy's door. "Yeah," he said gruffly. "Alright then. Jus' follow me. Keep close and don't stop for nobody." Merle said.

I wasn't sure I felt okay with that last part. How could we leave people behind that were in danger and needed help. I didn't want to argue with them though, and they knew what to do, so I kept my mouth shut.

As we drove through the country side of Georgia, there wasn't many signs that the world had fallen and people were sick. As we neared closer to the town that Daryl lived in, I saw all the damage that was done. Buildings were on fire, cars wrecked, people lying dead on the side of the road. It was chaos. I watched Daddy reach over and lock my door. I saw those dead people walking around and attacking others and couldn't stand to watch it. I unbuckled my seat belt and moved closer to Daddy, wrapping my arms around his and hiding my face. "I know, baby." He hushed and kissed my forehead. I wasn't sure I'd be able to do this.


We parked off into the woods when the sun went down. We were a good ways away from town and not that far from Atlanta. Merle got out and made a fire while Daddy kept watch. I had to stay in the truck, Daddy said little girls didn't need outside at night time. I grabbed my coloring book and crayons and started to color, even though I could barely see. Merle was cooking a can of food over the fire for us to share. Daddy said we would have to ratio for now. The drivers side window was down and that's were Daddy was standing smoking a cigarette. He had to be really stressed out right now. I was off in my own world when I heard a loud thumb behind me from the passenger door. I screamed when I seen a dead one trying to get in. Merle came to the rescue and stabbed it down.

Daddy opened the door and pulled me close to him. "Ye' alright baby?" He was cradling my face with one hand and rubbing my leg with the other. "Mhm," I said taking deep breaths. "She needs to man up brother, or else she ain't gonna last too long." Merle told him with all seriousness. "Fuck off Merle!" Daryl yelled. I wasn't used to Daddy being angry around me, and he scared me when he got like that. Merle was right though I needed to man up. "Don't get so upset, he's right." I whispered playing with Daddy's shirt button. "No, he's not. Yer' mine and I'm supposed to take care of ya'. I'll keep you safe, baby." Daddy kissed the top of my head. "Go finish yer' picture sweet pea and I'll get ya' somethin' to eat." I smiled and nodded my head, "yes, Daddy." I got back in the truck and shut the door, rolling the window half up incase another one of the 'geeks', as Daddy calls them, try's to sneak up on me again.

Daddy knocked on the truck door and I smiled out at him. "Roll the window down!" I heard him say. I did as I was told. "Here," he handed me a plate of Spaghetti O's! "Thank you." I told him and kissed his lips faintly before he pulled back. I was upset that Daddy pulled away from the kiss, but then he opened the truck door and got in beside me and all my sadness went away.

"Yay!" I squealed and jumped up and down. "Don't get to excited Ally-cat. Ya' got hot food in yer' hands." "Oops." I giggled at my silliness. "I forgot." Daddy smirked at me and took the plate from my hands. "Open up," I opened my mouth wide as Daddy put a bite in my mouth. "Thank you!" Daddy fed me until all my food was gone. It was late now and Merle said he'd take the first shift for watch. "What's he watching for?" I asked. "Geeks. He'll watch for a few hours then I'll watch for a few hours. Make sure none of them sons a bitches get near ya'." Daddy pulled out some blankets and sheets from the back. "Then I get to watch?" I asked wanting to help.

"Not a chance." He said. "But why not. They're just people." I tried to explain to him. Daddy stopped what he was doing and looked at me, angry. He took a deep breath and calmed himself down before speaking. "Ally, baby. They are not people, do ya' hear me? They are not the same as they were before. Ya' don't mess with 'em. They'll hurt ya', baby." I didn't understand why we had to kill them though. Yes, they were eating people, and were really scary, but a part of me wanted to see if I could help them in some way. "Listen sweet pea, I know yer' just a little baby and ye' don't understand, but please don't go near 'em, and if ya' see one of 'em or a few, then run to me. That's all Daddy wants, okay?" I understood what he was saying, but I didn't understand why. Why couldn't I talk to them or try to help them? "But I want to help them." I said crawling over onto Daddy's lap. "Ally, ya' can't help them. There is no helpin' them."

"Okay," I whispered looking down at my lap. "Hey," Daddy lifted my chin. "Think of it as a rule. No going near the scary dead people. That's our rule. Got it?" I shook my head. "If I break it?" I asked. "Then you'll never see Daddy again." My mouth dropped open. I never wanted that to happen. "I won't ever break it, I promise." I said holding out my pinky. "That's good baby girl. Good job." He praised me.

After we had our bed made in the front of the cab, Daddy and I lay down next to each other. It was weird to think that last night was normal and now the world has come to this. The virus must be horrible. Daddy's chest was pressed against my back and I could feel the rise and fall of his chest. His arm held me in place and made me feel secure, like nothing could hurt me while I was in his arms, his delicious, sexy arms.

I let my eyes close and I drift off, hoping when I wake up this will all just be a dream.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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