Chapter 28: Weak and Innocent

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I was carrying around a basket and picking up items that we could still use around camp. After we fit attacked, people scattered and things went everywhere. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without Daddy though, and he was busy putting the people down who got bit. Amy was bitten, but her sister Andrea wouldn't let anyone near her and Daddy said if she gets bit too then it's her own fault.

I looked away as Daddy smashed the persons head. I didn't know them, but it was still sad. Maybe if Daddy didn't hurt them they wouldn't have turned and they'd still be alive. Not everyone turns, right? It can't be. Somebody has to survive it, right? Daddy walking off caught my attention and I followed him. I picked up the string of cans that the walkers ripped down and shoved it into the basket.

"Daddy," I whispered out quietly as Shane walked behind us and towards the woods with Rick. "Huh?" "I-uh... I have something to tell you." I put the basket down and walked closer to him. "What?" He looked worried, and I didn't want him to worry about me. He needed to worry about Shane. I grabbed Daddy's hand and pulled him into the woods. I looked around to make sure no one was too close to hear us, or that there were no monsters. "What is it?" He asked, looking a bit annoyed with how much time I was taking.

"Last week, Shane touched me," I lifted his hand and put it on my side where Shane held me. "Then he pulled me closer," I choked out, embarrassed that I let Shane get to close. "He said we would've worked out, him and I. I told him not to touch me and he said, 'a Dixon, is that the best you can do?' Then I yelled at him and ran away." I felt so weak and humiliated right now. Daddy was supposed to protect me and I was supposed to tell him if anything happened. Daddy did protect me, and I failed at my part. I kept this from him because I was scared that Daddy would leave me if he found out.

"None of that cryin'," Daddy whispered and lifted my chin. He pulled me into his arms and gave me a big hug, squeezing me tight. "It's not yer' fault." He reminded me. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I let him do that. I'm sorry I ran off into the city with Merle. I'm sorry I keep failing you." I was a horrible little and Daddy deserved better than me.

"No, baby girl. Ye' did nothin' wrong. Okay? Ya' aren't failin' me." I relaxed in Daddy's arms as he rocked me back and forth. "Let's get back to cleanin' up, alright, then we'll get washed up." I nodded and wiped my tears away. We came out of the woods and Daryl had that gruff look on his face as he glared at Shane. I quickly wiped away more tears and saw how Lori looked at me with sympathy.

Carol was frowning too, and I didn't know why. Did they hear our conversation? I walked towards Carol who had water for all of us. "It's okay, Ally. I understand." She said with tears in her eyes. "Huh?" I asked. "Ed was the same way," she explained. "Oh, no, Daryl's not-" "I kept saying that about Ed too, you'll be okay. I promise." She said before going over to her daughter and Lori. They thought he was abusive and I knew it wasn't the first time. Ever since Daddy yelled at me for not listening the whole camp thought of him as a cruel, abusive man, when really Daddy was quite the opposite.

Daddy hated hurting me. He hated it so much that we didn't have physically punishments in our relationship. That's why I don't get spankings, and I don't want them either. I like non physical punishments better. Daddy was abused as a kid and I can understand his reason for hating physical punishment.

I went back to work and continued to pick up items and clean up broken tents. Daddy was done with ending our people, so he started to pack the bodies into a pile to burn. I was standing by the RV watching him. Behind me I hear a gun click. "Don't move, Rick." I turned around to see Andrea holding a gun in Rick's face. Andrea stood up and yelled at him. "That's my sister! I will put her down when I damn well please! Just let me say goodbye in peace!" The camp was focused on Andrea and Rick arguing about when to put Amy down, and I was also focused on them and not my surroundings. I felt a hand on my ankle and didn't think much of it until I looked down to see that it was Amy. She was a monster now and was trying to bite my leg.

I screamed and tried to escape her grip but it was too strong for me and she was inches from biting me. Daddy ran over with his pick axe and smashed her head in before she had a chance to bite me. I had tears in my eyes and held onto Daddy for dear life as I wrapped my legs around him. "Ya' okay?" Daddy asked. I nodded my head and thanked him. "You son of a bitch!" Andrea yelled and charged towards Daddy and I. Shane grabbed her waist and held her back to keep her from hurting us. "You killed her!" She screamed over and over again, fighting Shane's grip on her. "Girl was already dead once she got bit." Daddy argued and set me down beside him.

"It's her! It's that stupid bitch. She can't take care of herself and you'll bend over backwards to help her, won't you?" Andrea shouted at Daddy and pointed to me, causing the whole camp look at me. "She's weak! She can't fight! She's not meant for this world! The innocent doesn't belong here!" I knew Andrea was right and I hated it. I didn't want to be weak, or innocent. I wanted to be strong, and brave. I wanted to fight for myself and save lives. But that would never happen because everything Andrea said was right. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, letting more tears trickle down my cheeks. "I know, Andrea." I sobbed out, then darted towards the woods. I didn't care if a walker got me, as long as Daddy didn't have to worry about me anymore then I'd be okay. Because if Daddy has to worry about me, then he could get hurt and I never want him to get hurt.

"Fuckin' no good bitch is what ya' are!" I heard Daddy say to Andrea. "Ally!" Daddy called running after me. "Ally-Cat, baby, slow down." He said catching up with me. "No!" I yelled. "Just let me go." I tried to push past him, but failed. I rested my head on his chest. "I keep messing up! Everyone hates me." I cried and clutched his shirt. "No. Yer' not messin' up. Things just happen, sweet pea. Yer' not weak either, yer' strong. Ya' are innocent, but a good innocent, and I'll make sure you survive this." Daddy leaned down to kiss my lips and I pulled away. "Why would you kiss me? The group hates you and it's all because of me." I crossed my arms over my chest. "Because I still love ya' and those pretty little lips." He said and kissed me slowly. I kissed back, but only for a second before he pulled away. "Let them hate me. I got ya'." I smiled and nodded.

"I feel bad about Amy, thought." I admitted. I basically killed her because I couldn't watch where I stood. "She was dead long before I did that." Daddy grabbed my hand and pulled me back to camp. Andrea was crying over her now dead sister. "Get her away from me!" Andrea screeched at us. I backed away and followed Daddy. "Why don't ya' sit here in the truck and listen to music?" Daddy said handing me some Luke Bryan CD's from the console. "Oooo!" I held them in my hands and bounced in my seat. "Yay!" Daddy kissed my hand and smiled. "Be good, lock the doors and if anything happens ya' just yell for me." He said. "Mhm!" I nodded my head.

Behind Daddy I could see Andrea staring at me with a cold, deathly glare. "Daddy," I mumbled and he turned around to see her looking at us. "Don't worry 'bout her. She's just all shaken up. She lost her sister and the way I see it was that somebody, wether it be me or her, had to put Amy down." I kicked my feet back and forth and tried to ignore everything that's happened today.

I got in the truck and shut the doors. I turned the truck on and listened to music for a good half hour, signing to myself and dancing in my seat. Around that time Daddy came and pulled me from the truck so I pull hear the plan that Shane and Rick have come up with for the group. Let's pray that it's a good plan.

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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