Chapter 16: Bed

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I eventually got my crayons back and was happy that I did. I took a few hours to color and actually realized that I honestly did miss my art supplies.

Daryl was really being a good boyfriend too, and he was an excellent Daddy to me. He made sure I got enough sleep, woke me up everyday for work, cooked my meals, picked out my clothes. It was nice having someone else worry about the little things in life.

I was sitting between Daryl's legs on my bed mad his arms were around my waist. My head was tilted to the left as Daryl was delicately kissing my neck. We were watching cartoons and the only light we had was from the TV. I squirmed in my spot and Daryl noticed. "What?" He was smirking. He knew exactly what.

"You can't kiss my neck like that and not expect things to... Happen." Daryl pretended to be confused. "What things are happenin', baby? Huh?" His hand was caressing my thigh. "Never mind." I blushed and hid my face blankets. I got nervous easily around him, and I didn't know what it was that made me get that this. Probably his good looks, or that stern voice he had.

Every time I looked at him the word love popped into my head. I didn't know if I loved him, but that's all I could think of when my co workers asked me about him. Daryl was the man of my dreams and I hoped everyday that we would continue our relationship.

"Yer' so fuckin' cute." He said squeezing my cheeks. I placed my hand over his mouth and giggled, "bad word, bad word, bad word!" Daryl rolled his eyes and pulled my hand away from his mouth. He locked our fingers together and kissed my knuckles.

"Yer' still cute... Even when yer' bein' a brat." My mouth dropped open playfully. "I am not a brat." I whined. "Mhm, sure yer' not." He said turning me around and holding me in his arms like a baby. "Daddy! What are you doing?" I asked clutching his shirt. "Holdin' ya'." He said and leaned down to kiss me.

His soft lips landed on mine and I could feel the force behind them as he parted my mouth with his tongue, making me moan. I loved his kisses. He knew exactly what he was doing, and I wasn't expecting that from someone who seemed so shy. As he pulled away, there was a blush upon my face and a tingling in my abdomen. He did things to me that no one else ever has.


Daryl and I were woken up in the middle of the night to a phone call from his brother, Merle. Daddy didn't tell me all the details, only that Merle needed him back I Georgia, and he would have to leave sometime today.

"Why do you have to go?" I cried. Those feelings of being away from him were hitting me hard. I had to fight the tears in my eyes, and hoped that I didn't look as upset as I felt.

"Merle needs me baby, he's my brother." Daddy was wiping away the tears that fell from my chin. "Please don't do this again, it makes it a hundred times worse for me to leave. I hate leavin' ya' baby, I do. But I have to." He explained. I knew that when Daryl randomly showed up at my door that he'd have to leave sooner or later, I just didn't think it would be this soon.

"Don't be so upset, hun." I nodded my head slowly. It was hard not to be upset. Daryl was leaving me today, and the emptiness I felt over overwhelming.

I packed up all of Daddy's things so he would be ready to go later. I didn't want him rushing, and if his brother needed him then he needed to be there for him. I didn't want to come between Daryl and Merle.

Around five that evening after we had dinner, Daryl gathered his things and took them to his truck. He came back up to say goodbye.

Cradling my face in one hand, he used the other to brush a stray hair out of the way. "I'll see ya' again soon. Alright. No need to cry." He reminded me again and kissed my lips. I wrapped my arms around his waist and squeezed him as tight as I could. I took in his scent, the way he felt under my finger tips. Daryl was the most important person in my life right now.

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