Chapter 15: Stupid

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I just got in from work and was exhausted. I was up all night with Daryl and didn't sleep much. Daryl was staying with me for awhile, and didn't know when he'd have to go back to Georgia. I was just glad that he was here with me. I made dinner for us and we sat on the couch together.

"Daryl..." I whispered later on in the middle of the night. He was laying on his back, arm across his face. "Daddyyyy..." I whined hoping it would catch his attention. He grunted and rolled over towards me. "Go to sleep." He said. "I can't. I'm not sleepy." I told him and rolled over on top of him.

He gladly accepted me into his arms, half asleep. He was so cute when he slept. I could really get used to this all the time.


It was another day of work, but I had brought Daryl with me. He was going to be my 'special guest' for the kids. "Probably ain't gonna like me much..." He said as we drove in my car to the school.

"They'll love you." I was about to say 'just like I do', but I wasn't sure if I loved him. We had only just met, and I wanted to give it more time so I could sort out my feelings.

As I guessed, the kids adored Daryl, much more than I thought they would. "Does Mr. Dixon live down south?" A younger boy asked. "He does!" I exclaimed, smiling down at him. "Do you know where Georgia is?" I asked him. The young boy, Christopher, thought for a moment. "No. Do you, Ms. Edwards?" I nodded my head and pointed to the United States map on the bulletin board. "This is Georgia." I pointed to the state. "That's very far away. How did he get here?" Christopher asked. "Well, he drove up here. In his truck. Do you like trucks?" Christopher nodded. "My dad has one."

"That right?" Daryl asked him, finally engaging in more conversation. Daryl talked with a lot of the kids, telling them about how he hunts. He also told them some pretty funny stories. I loved that Daryl was good with kids, I mean he kinda had to be, to be a Daddy, you know? Daryl was really serious about us, and I seen in when he was around me. Not any guy would put up with a bunch of kids all day with me.

Daryl and I had our lunch break in the copy room where we had more privacy. I controlled the room most of the time, and nobody ever bothered us.

"Merle is textin' me..." Daryl said while eating his chips. "Your brother?" I asked. Daryl nodded. I didn't know much about Merle, but considering the scars on Daryl's back, I figured that Merle had the same. "Are you two close?" I was curious as always. "Ye' can say that. He's just there most of the time."

I didn't really understand what it was like to have a brother. I'm an only child. "Are you and him alike?" I asked. I only assumed that they were the same because they both were around the same age and probably bonded a lot.

"Nah. Merle ain't very... Welcoming and-" Daryl stopped himself. "He gets into a lot of trouble, let's just leave it at that." I didn't want to pry. If Daryl was uncomfortable talking about the situation, then I guess we'd leave it at until another time.

The rest of the day Daryl and I spent time talking to the children. I even got to read a class a story, Daryl was smiling at me the whole time too, making it hard for me to concentrate on what I was reading.

After work Daryl and I drove to a restaurant for an early dinner. I was slowly slipping into my little space as I usually did after work. When we got to the parking lot Daddy came around and opened my door for me. He grabbed my hands and pulled me up. "Ya' look gorgeous, Hun," I blushed and looked down. "Thank you." We walked hand in hand inside.

We didn't talk much about our new lifestyle together because we were in such a public place, and since I lived around here, I didn't want that getting out. It was something I did in private. I was little in public, but only people who were very informed about Ddlg could tell.

When we got home I changed into my pajamas. Daddy helped me slip them on too, and he was very sweet with it too. He kept telling me how beautiful I was, and that I was his precious little girl.

"I have an idea!" I squeaked after getting my pajamas on. "Yeah?" "I have a puzzle, and maybe we could do it together, and you... Put together... Us... Daddy and Ally-cat." My words were all jumbled up, that happened when I got really excited sometimes.

"We can put it together..." Daryl said and brushed my hair from my face. I clapped my hands together and we went to my living room and sat around the coffee table. I cleared us a spot and dumped the pieces out.

"There's 500 pieces." I said reading the box. "That's a lot. It's like, this much." I opened my arms wide for emphasis. Daryl wrapped his arms around me and we started on the puzzle.

About an hour in, I was getting frustrated with the pieces. They weren't going to together correctly, even though they looked like they did. I was horrible at this. That may be the reason I never attempted it until now. I whimpered quietly when another pieces didn't fit. I'm a failure and I can't do anything right.

"Doll face, ya' okay?" Daddy asked from beside me. I shook my head and crossed my arms, then turned away from him. "Ally-cat." He whispered. I didn't look at him. "Baby girl..." The few times that Daryl has called me that always made me melt into a puddle. There was something about how it rolled off his tongue with such emotion and love. But, this time it was stern, and more like a warning. "Ya' got to the count of five to turn around and talk to me before I take yer' crayons away."


He was probably just testing me.


Maybe this is when I should turn around? No, he's just joking.


His voice was more stern. Maybe he really is upset.


Okay... I might turn around.

"Five... That's it."

Daryl got up and started walking to my bedroom. "No!" I cried and followed after him. He grabbed all my crayons, even my coloring books. "Daddy... No, no." I shook my head back and forth, pouting. I didn't want him to take my stuff.

"I'm sorry." I said sweetly. "Ya' didn't listen to me. Sit down." Daryl was a very calm person with me, and had patience. I was expecting that considering what he told me about his childhood and his father. But, he did promise he wouldn't hurt me, so I trusted him.

I was sitting on the floor with my legs crossed when Daddy came back in. He crouched down in front of me, and pulled me into his lap. "Now, will ya' tell me what's wrong?" I sighed. This was going to sound so stupid. "I got mad... The pieces weren't going together and...I'm stupid."

"No! Don't ever say that again! Yer' not stupid. Yer' smart. Okay? Just because ya' couldn't do somethin' doesn't mean yer' stupid. Why didn't ya' ask me fer' help?" Daddy was rubbing my back very soothingly and kissed my cheek.

"I didn't wanna sound stupid and have you laugh at me." Daryl frowned and shook his head. "Don't ever be afraid to tell me somethin', or ask fer' help. Got it?" He asked. "Yes, Daddy." I responded obediently like a good girl and didn't argue.

"Good girl." Daddy gave me a kiss on the lips. "Do ya' have anything to do? Like work?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope!"

"Everythin' is done?" I nodded. "Okay." He gave me another kiss, one that made my stomach twist and turn with excitement. I pushed those thoughts away for now though.

"Daddy?" I asked and rested my head on his shoulder. "Hmm?" "When can I have my crayons backs?" I knew it wouldn't be tonight, but I hope he didn't keep them for a week. I can't live without my coloring stuff. "In two days, if yer' good. But, if ya' act up again, I'll have to keep them." I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"Okay." I was very pleased with the time, but it was better than a week. Please let these two days pass quickly.

🌷Sorry for not updating. I'm busy and exhausted.

💜Next update will be the 21st, or 22nd!

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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