Chapter 5: Georgia

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Daryl texted me all day the next day, but I never answered him. I was still upset about him not letting me see him. I loved talking to him and he was really funny. He called me cute names, and was really sweet, but I didn't want to set myself up for something I didn't want. Another I was afraid of was I never told Daryl how I was a Little. He knew I liked Disney, and some childlike things, but he didn't know the full extent, and I was afraid if he knew, that would be the end of our relationship.

Were we even a relationship?

We were friends, and talked everyday, but I don't know if we're romantically, yet. I'd like to be, but those chances were slim to none. I didn't want a relationship that was over the Internet. I had to see him first. I needed to see Daryl.

My phone went off on the counter, and it was Daryl again. I couldn't avoid him forever, and he was probably going crazy, so, I decided to answer it.

"What?" I snapped as soon I pressed answer button.

"Ally, baby..."

I immediately melted into a puddle. All the anger I held suddenly floated away, and I was falling into little space. His voice did that to me. Hearing him call me baby was enough to make my stomach do flip flops and my heart race a thousand miles an hour. Especially coming from that southern raspy voice.

"Yes?" I said sweetly.

"I'm really sorry about last night. I was an asshole,"

"A little bit."

"I want to see ya', Ally." He breathed out.

"I wanna see you too."

"No. I'm serious, Ally. Like I want you to come to Georgia!" He exclaimed.

"Daryl, I can't just go. I have work tomorrow." I loved the idea of abandoning everything to go and see him, but it was impossible right now because of work.

"Right." Daryl's voice went from excited to sad in a few seconds.

"Let me see about it, okay?" I asked him.


"I'll call you tomorrow when I find out." I told him, then ended the call. Daryl really wanted to see me, and I really wanted to see him. I couldn't progress our relationship any further unless we actually met. I was going to talk to my boss tomorrow and see if I can get a weeks vacation. I was just a librarian, not a big position to fill.


"Edwards... A whole week?" She exclaimed. I knew she was a little upset about me asking to have a few days off to visit Daryl because she addressed me by my last name. "Please. I'll be back next Tuesday. And I won't take any days off after that. Plus I never used all my personal days from the previous years, those add up to ten school days total. So I am allowed to use them, right?" I was practically begging to go on this trip to Georgia.

I watched Sue look at the calendar. She looked up and sighed, "I guess," the cracked a smile. "You have ten personal days. How many are you using?"

"Five," I only wanted a week off that way if I wanted to see Daryl again I could go and visit. "Thank you so much, Sue!" I stood up and clapped my hands together, jumping on my toes. She cracked a smile and I ran back to my room to call Daryl and pack up.

"Hello?" His raspy voice answered. He sounds like he just woke up.

"What kind of clothes should I bring to Georgia?" I asked.

"Clothes? Why the hell... Ally..." He stopped talking and I smiled knowing he finally caught on to what I was saying.

"Yes." I said sweetly acting like nothing was happening.

"Are ya'... Like... I can't even speak right now. Are ya' comin' to Georgia?"

"Yes, Daryl Dixon. I'm coming to Georgia! My flight leaves tonight and I'll be in Atlanta in the morning around five." I said excitedly. I was trying to gather up all my stuff and make plans for a sub teacher all in one day while talking to Daryl.

"Holy shit..." I could tell Daryl was astonished. I was too because I didn't think I'd actually do it.

"I can't wait to see ya'." He mumbled.

"I really wanna see you!" I squealed.

"I'm not the best to look at, angel."

"Stop it!" I warned him. "I'll like you either way. Now I have to pack up my stuff and ahhh! I have a lot to do. Text me."

I was so excited about going to Georgia. I called and booked a flight right away so it would all be ready to go and I wouldn't get delayed. I made my plans for the substitute teacher, and then headed home to pack.

I made a list and slowly packed up everything. By the time I was finished packing, I had two full suitcases and a backpack, along with my purse. I didn't want to forget anything or run out of something. Plus, I couldn't forget my favorite stuffie or my blankie. I made sure to pack the pajamas Daryl got me and the tiara, that way he could see me wear them in person.

I was exhausted and I still needed to shower before I got there. I didn't want him to see me looking like a mess. I took a quick shower and got dressed in a white sweater with my peach skinny jeans. I slipped on my white flats and started to brush my hair. I let it air dry, so it was naturally wavy. I did light make up on my eyes and was ready to go.

I got to the airport and made it just in time. I took my seat and sent Daryl a message before taking off. I was jittery, and nervous.

On my flight now. I'll be waiting for you. - Ally

I'll be there, sweet pea! - Daryl.

I relaxed in my seat and took deep breaths. I couldn't wait to get to Georgia and see Daryl.

🌹I may post the next chapter today, but I'm not sure yet... Hehehe 😏

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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