Chapter 11: Going Home

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I had one more day left with Daryl before I had to get back on my flight and go home. I learned a lot about Daryl this week, and I was glad that I did because it brought us closer together. We spent most of our time talking and playing around, light touches and him tickling me; which he loved and I hated, but I kinda secretly liked it too. Daryl and I both deleted our dating accounts because we had no use for them anymore. I wasn't planning on talking to anyone else, and neither was he, that's how serious we were. Daryl even told me that if I never messaged him first that we never would've met because he was too shy. Daryl was sweet and shy. He was. True gentleman too.

I woke up that morning feeling sad and sick to my stomach knowing that tonight would be my last night here. I was dreading that flight back home.

Daryl and I stayed in bed all day, holding each other and gently kissing. We wanted to get as much as we could in before I had to go, and he was okay with not having sex. We never talked about that yet, but I could tell he wasn't in any rush. He never tried to go any further than a simple kiss or touch either, we made out a bit, but that was it. He respected me better than any man ever has.

"Anything ya' wanna do before ya' go?" He asked pulling the blanket up over us and wrapping his arm around my waist. I shook my head no, wanting to enjoy our time left together, "I just want you to hold me." I whispered out. Daryl nodded and pulled me close into his chest. I grabbed ahold of his shirt and tried not to cry because I was reminded again that I had to leave. I felt like I was going away forever.

"Shh, it's okay." Daryl cooed in my ear, rubbing my back. "No... wanna stay." I cried and squeezed him as tight as I could. I wanted to remember what his hands felt like on my body, or what his kisses were like. "I want ya' to stay too sweet pea." Daryl lifted my chin with his fingers and gave me a slow, deep kiss, letting his tongue play with mine. I smiled into the kiss and so did he. He always made me smile.

"I'll make sure ya' come back to me." He smiled. Daryl had a way about him that brightened my day even when I felt this sad about leaving.

When night time rolled around, Daryl and I got snuggled up next to each other. I barely had any clothes on at this point due to the heat, but I still wanted to be next to him. I fell asleep in my panties and a thin camisole.

My bags were packed up and in the truck waiting on me. Daryl had just woken me and helped me get dressed. "No, no." I said sleepily and tried to lay back down. "Ally-cat, ya' gotta wake up." He said rubbing my thigh. I was deep into little space when I woke up, I always was, especially since I've been with Daryl this past week.

I finally got the energy to wake myself and finish everything that I needed to do before leaving. I double checked for my things and made sure I wouldn't forget anything that was too important.

I leaned on Daryl as he drove to the airport. I wrapped my arms around his and rested my head on his shoulder. He would occasionally kiss my forehead, or reach his hand down to rub my leg in a sweet way. I would miss doing this and I wasn't even gone yet. I was attached to Daryl Dixon like no other and when he wasn't near me I felt like a part of me was gone, and I felt lonely.

I closed my eyes when we reached the airport hoping that this wasn't real and was just a bad nightmare or that I'd be able to go back to his place forever because I never had to work again, but this was reality. I looked down at the floor, avoiding his eye contact so he couldn't see me silently crying. I eventually lifted my head to see him and tears plastered my cheeks. "Oh, baby." The pity was lingering in his voice and I cried more. He pulled me into his lap as I sobbed. I was a mess right now, and I had to go. I had no choice. I needed to get on that plane and go home. "Please... Don't, make, me go. I never wanna... Go." I hiccuped after every word or two. I couldn't catch my breath due to how worked up I was.

"Baby, calm down... It's alright." Daryl hushed over and over again petting my head. I couldn't stop though, I just felt like my world was coming to an end. Daryl held my face in his hands and I was still crying, he wiped away a tear and kissed me sweetly. "Be good for Daddy, okay? No more cryin'." He said staring directly into my eyes. Daryl used the 'Daddy Voice'. It soothed me when he spoke in the authoritative, yet sweet, calm voice. 

He addressed himself as Daddy for the first time since we've met too, and I liked it. It also meant that he was my Daddy because he addressed himself as that, which I would agree to if he asked, but I feel like we don't need the clarification. "Okay?" Daryl asked. I wiped away my tears and nodded. "Otay," I said using my little voice. Daryl smiled and kissed me once more before helping me out of the truck.

I headed towards the flight gate and stopped. I turned around and hugged him tightly again. I needed this one for the flight home. Daryl leaned down and kissed my lips, gently biting my bottom lip. "Yer' my baby, okay? Mine. Call me when ya' get home." He said. "Yes, Daddy." I answered calmly, trying not to break down again. "I'll see you soon." He whispered before we pulled apart and I got on my plane, leaving my Daddy behind.

😥I cried writing this!

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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