Chapter 22: Quarry

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The next day we started to set up camp. We got the perimeter done first, since it was the most important thing right now. Protection was everything. Daddy let me carry little things to our little campsite, but only stuff for him and I. We had our very own tent too, but Daddy didn't want it near the rest of the group and I didn't know why. He just said to carry our stuff way over here and he'd set our stuff up when he got a chance.

As I was walking over to the truck I saw the puppy dog from yesterday. Daddy told me not to go near it, or anyone else new to the group yet. The dog was big and fluffy, but it didn't look very scary. I went over and the older man was standing next to the dog, petting it. "Hi," I waved shyly to the man and looked at the dog. "Hi there!" He smiled at me. "I'm Dale." He extended his hand to me. "I'm Ally! Can I pet the dog?" I asked giving him my hand and looked to the ground afterwards at the dog.

"Sure! His name is Ace, and he's really friendly." I crouched down and sat in the dirt. The dog was licking my hand gently, getting used to me. "Hi!" I reached my hand up and pet the dog then soon wrapped my arms around him and squeezed. "Ally!" I heard Daddy scold me. I jumped up quickly and turned around to see him storming towards me. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me away from the group so we were behind our truck. I heard people whispering about us as he pulled me away.

"What did I tell ya'?" He growled harshly. "Not to go near them." I whimpered looking at the ground. "And what did ya' do?" I looked up and answered quietly. "Went near them." Daddy was really upset right now and I hope he wasn't going to punish me. "Where's yer' crayons at?" He asked. I knew then what he was doing. "No, no, no, no, no." I cried and stomped my feet. "Stop it!" He raised his voice at me. "Where are they?"

"In my backpack!" I yelled back. Daddy glared at me for raising my voice. "In the truck. Twenty minutes." He said opening the door. I got inside and he slammed the door shut. As he walked away to work on our camp I cried quietly to myself. I didn't mean to upset him, but it didn't seem like a big deal to me. It was just a dog, and they were just people. Then I realized that Daddy knows best, and I have to trust his choices. Going against him really hurt his feelings too.

I wiped away the tears and waited for my time to be up. Eventually Daddy came back and opened my door and before he had a chance to move out of the way I was in his arms, hugging him. "I'm sorry." I said into his chest over and over again. "It's okay, baby." Daddy said and kissed my lips gently. "Can I help you now?" I asked bouncing on my toes. "Yeah, come on." He grabbed my hand and led us to our camp. I noticed that the tent was already set up. Daddy put extra protection around our camp so nothing would get in like the geeks. He lined the surrounding area of our tent with extra wire and cans that went up to the waist.

"Take our blankets inside and set up." Daddy said giving me a little push forwards. "Okay." I instantly got to work with the instructions I was given. I made our bed nice and cozy for the two of us and piled our stuff neatly in the corner.

I finished my work and walked out of the tent to find Daddy so I could show him my work. He was next to the fire pit stacking rocks. "I finished our tent!" I exclaimed smiling. Daddy looked up y me then finished stacking rocks and stood up, dusting his hand on his jeans. "Did ya'? Show me." He said smiling back at me. I grabbed his hand and pulled him over to our tent. As we stepped inside he looked around at my work. "It's nice baby girl. Ya' did a good job. I'm proud of ya'." I blushed and hugged him tightly. I blushed even more when he hugged me back giving me a bear hug.

"Grab us some clothes and we'll go take a bath." A bath? I jumped up and down with excitement. "How?" I asked grabbing our stuff. "I'll show ya' come on." He said and pulled me out of the tent. Daddy picked up his crossbow and we walked down a long path. I was curious to where we were going to get a bath. "So where does this-" we came to the clearing and a large pit of water was in front of us. The quarry was so pretty!

The water was a bright turquoise color and I couldn't wait to get a bath in it. We didn't really have any other options either, so bathing in private wasn't going to happen. But, this was better than nothing. Daddy pulled us over to a large rock and we stood behind it. I dropped my bag and Daddy started to peel my clothes off, letting his eyes linger in certain places.

I giggled when his hand caressed my side. "What?" He smirked, acting like he didn't know. I rolled my eyes playfully and let him finish undressing me. Daddy quickly got undressed too and got in the water with me. It was exceptionally warm considering we haven't had many hot days. Daddy grabbed my shampoo and started to wash my hair. It felt nice to relax for a few minutes and be with Daddy. Everything from my chest down was hidden in the water too, giving me some privacy.

After Daddy washed my hair and body, he quickly washed himself, then we got to swim around for awhile. Daddy held me in his arms and spun us around in the water. "I say we get out, go get somethin' to eat and relax."

"But what about helping set up?" I asked. "Fuck that, we did what was for us." I guess Daddy was right on that. We got out of the water and Daddy dressed me quickly before we headed back up to our tent to wait on dinner. On our way to the tent, we passed Merle. "Hey, sugar tits." He said to me and winked. I shivered in disgust and looked to Daddy for help.

"Knock it the hell off, Merle!" Daddy said as we passed him and then gave him the middle finger. I wasn't sure if Merle even listened, but Daddy tried. He would just have to talk to him later. We got into our tent and sat down on the bed. Daddy sighed contently and laid back closing his eyes. "This is a pretty nice bed, Ally-Cat. Good job, baby." Daddy opened his arms for me to lay down beside him. "I love ya', baby." Daddy whispered in my ear. "Love you more." I said before giving him a kiss.

💖This chapter sucked! Sorry. I tried. Plus it's passed my bedtime! I'm probably gonna get in trouble but, oh well!

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Thanks ~ InSearchOfFlames 🔥🔥🔥

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