Chapter 8

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Chapter 8- Edited

Sarah s POV

After Harry walked out of the room leaving me fuming, I swear you could have seen steam coming out of my ears. Wasn't he meant to have super hearing or did that not count in the morning? 

Hopefully he didn't see any of the scars on my hips, yes I used to cut but haven't since I broke up with Brad. It started around 2 years ago. I was severely bullied online by kids from my old school who used to bully me so I cut my hip that was always covered my a bikini if I wasn't wearing pants and shirts.

I walked out in a black top that says 'kiss me ' in bold gold writing across the chest and black leggings and brushed my golden hair that touched the middle of my back, a touch of foundation and mascara I decided I looked presentable enough I walked out if the room and into the lounge room o find Louis tackling Harry while Tia was writing something down on a sheet of paper while giggling at the boys. I giggled along with her at the sight of Lou and Harry while I sat down next to her "Hey Tia, what you writing down?" i asked peering over "oh this?...this is what were having for breakfast, im just writing it down for Louis I now just need to know what your having" she asked looking up at me " im cool with bacon and donuts,... oh and black tea with sugar and milk" she wrote down my order so what are 'thing 1' and 'thing 2' fighting about?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me " oh well Louis wanted to order like 6 things from the menu for himself while harry said he could pick only 2 main dishes and a side dish" she said smirking at the boys, when they realized i had entered the room they stopped fighting and tried to act like nothing happened "fine ill have pancakes, bacon and eggs with a side dish of donuts oh and bacon" Lou said acting like a 5 year old, harry said after Louis " ill have black tea and waffles".

Louis got up with the order towards the phone while we watched the news " so how did you sleep last night?" Tia asked us " I slept fine... I think I had a bad dream but I cant remember what it was about" I stated, I saw harry clench his hands "what about you harry?" Tia asked, as harry calmed down"yeah I woke up once but beside that everything was fine".  

After breakfast the boys wanted to take us to the movies and out to lunch seeing as today was the second day officially staying here so we wouldn't be cooped up inside,outfit I wore a hot pink dress that went to my knees that had a black bow around the stomach, I curled my hair and left it down, I grabbed some big stud earings and some sandals along with my ray bands, while Tia wore a flower print dress and jeans, a black leather jacket and yellow wedges, the boys wore t-shits and jeans Harry's was black while Louis top was dark blue.

"Now girls, remember that we can track you and don't even think of telling anyone because if you do well have to kill them" we nodded and walked into the cinemas. We decided to watch 'World War Z" (A/N- if you haven't watched it yet you should because its excellent) "so what would you like to eat?" Harry asked snapping me out of my thoughts "um medium caramel popcorn and medium frozen Pepsi" he nodded and told the employee our order. 

Harry sat next to me on 1 side while Tia was on the other side and beside her. At one point of movie 'something' popped out causing me to grab Harry's hand, he chuckled and squeezed my hand . I looked over to him, he gave me a small smile .

At the end of the movie Harry leaned over to my ear "you know the movies finished now love, you can stop squeezing the daylights out of my hand" I blushed and released his hand."Sorry about that, I hate those suspense moment and then things pop out" I answered trying to defend myself, as we walked out I realized how busy the front lobby was. "so where would you like to go for lunch?" Louis asked tugging Tia behind him "Nandos" everyone one said and laughed together.

When we returned home it was 9 o'clock at night we had spent the rest of the day shopping and talking. The boys said that tomorrow they would take us out some were so we would have to be up early. " Sarah, can I see you for a minuet?" Harry asked, I gave Tia a small look and followed Harry in his bedroom which he was now sharing with me "so what did you want to talk to me about?" I asked as I sat down next to harry on the bed "last night you were sleeping you started crying so I went into your dream to see what was scaring you, do you remember some one called lyle?" I thought for a second " yeah he was my babysitter when I was younger, he moved next door right after the guy that gave me the necklace left, why do you ask?" this seemed to piss him off " do you remember what he looked like?" he asked, why did he want to know so much about him? "well he had dark brown eyes with flecks of blue and gold, dark blond hair and I think about the same size as you, why are you asking all of this?" I asked getting annoyed because he wasn't getting to the point. 

"Well in your nightmare it was a memory and you had gravel burn because this guy healed you and only vampires have that power and certain ones at that" I was stunned , I always thought that he was just my babysitter and just bandaged me up and my child mind thought that it made it fully healed, I always thought of him as my friend but he was a vampire all along " why are you telling me this now?" I asked him but it came out as a whisper " because if he is a vampire or a normal one I should say would have killed you the moment he had the chance but he didn't ans kept you safe instead" "WHAT" I yelled making him flinch "look I can see don't remember who he is so forget about it, why don't you get changed and get some sleep" he said taking his shirt off. it took every ounce in my body to take my eyes away from his toned , muscular abs... 'SARAH STOP THIS INSTANCE'  

I turned my attention towards the closet and grabbed a tank top and grey sweatpants. And walked into the bathroom to get changed.

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