The Greasers And...Wattpad

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Ponyboy: "Ummm...I like it because there are books. It just feels so weird only having to hold the book with one hand...AND IT ISN'T EVEN A LEGIT BOOK."

Darry: "This is okay, I guess. Books aren't my thing but whatever. It's a lot of free books that you don't have to hold. Wait...what's smut? *opens a Phan smut book* OH DEAR GOD!"

Sodapop: "Uuuuuugh....this is booooooring. I would much rather be sleeping or doing something else. Wait, action books...hello"

Steve: "I'm gonna be straightforward. This sucks."

Johnny: " they have any Gone With The Wind things on here? This thing seems neat."

Dally: "Get this bull**** outta my face and don't bother me again with it. I told ya already, **** off."

Two-Bit: *looks for joke books* "THESE JOKES KINDA SUCK."

I hope this was...decent-ish...? I don't know. Anywhozers...

Stay gold.

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