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Well, I firstly want to say happy birthday to Dally. You're a part of a book that has changed my life.

Secondly, as I'm sure many of you know, America has a new president. Remember one of the first chapters of this book, the one about Trump? Yeah? Well, he won. Donald Trump, the misogynist, the racist, the sexist, the homophobic, the hateful is now President of the United States of America. I'm honestly scared for my life. I didn't think he would win, but here we are. How did we go from our first black president to a man endorsed by the Ku Klux Klan (KKK)? This is heartbreaking. He beat Hillary by 60 electoral votes. It was 278 Trump to 218 Hillary. Trump won many states, including (but not limited to) the following:
·Arkansas (the state I live in...)
·Oklahoma (the Greasers' state...)
·Tennessee (where I was born)
·Alaska (who would've thought?"

So, I'm obviously not happy about this. Not only am I scared for my life, I'm scared for the people I love. Including y'all. There was a legitimate rally thing at my school today because some imbeciles brought Trump signs to school. One of the assistant principals took it away, and these ignorant white boys start calling some black people the "n" word. With an "er". There are only ten people in my Journalism class, and almost everyone (including my teacher) started crying. I started crying, too.

Who wants to move to Canada with me?

Stay Gold (and please be safe),

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