The Greasers And...Twaimz

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Ponyboy: "He understands things that are wrong with society. He finds a way to incorporate jokes into most of his things, yet there are times where he's so serious. It reminds you that even the funniest people can cry." (TRUTH)

Darry: "He is so loud, oh my God."

Sodapop: *has to hold his sides from laughing too hard*

Steve: "This dude is crazy. He's also hilarious. I'll probably watch him often."

Johnny: "He isn't afraid to voice his opinions, he isn't afraid to be himself. I see him as an inspiration."

Dally: "Too hyper for me, personally."

Two-Bit: "He has sass FOR DAYS. He has such an attitude, he's hilarious...he's pretty cool."

Hello, everyone. How are y'all? I hope you're all amazing. Well, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Twaimz is one of my favorite YouTubers and I'm so proud of all he's done.

Stay Gold,

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