The Greasers And...Troye Sivan

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Ponyboy: "His music means something to people. It helps people, they relate to it, and they feel special. They feel special because they know that someone goes through the same things as them, and they might get a tiny bit of hope. Even though it's just a tiny bit, it's still some. Some is better than none."

Darry: "I can't believe how motivational this kid is. He's come so far, and I'm honestly proud of him. He's changed the world with his voice. People love him and look up to him. We need more people to be like him."

Sodapop: "I can dance crazily to his music or just lay on my bed serenely. His voice is angelic. He's an amazing person. He...he gets people. He's a hero."

Steve: "Oh my God, where do I begin? People of all ages are inspired by him, he's smart, kind, creative...he's an inspiration. A hero. We need more people like him. Can we have more people like him?"

Johnny: "He's so phenomenal. He gets people and wants to help them through music. He truly cares about his fans. Why can't we always have people that are like this...this...this TREASURE?"

Dally: "Okay, man. I know that I'm SEEN as the bad boy or whatever, but this gets me to feeling. Troye makes everything seem like it's going to be okay, or at least a little bit better than they already are."

Two-Bit: "Mr. Sivan...a true relic. He cares about people. He believes in people. He inspires people. He helps people. He SAVES people...SAVES. Do you have any idea how hard it is to say that nowadays?"

OKAY SOOOOO...I know that my last chapter said that I would have everything up that day. There were publishing issues and Wi-Fi sorry for that. Hopefully y'all enjoyed this chapter and everything else will be up soon. I love Troye so much and all the things I put in this chapter, that's how I feel about him, honestly.

Also, pertaining to the picture I put...

IT'S DAT (PONI)BOI. Literally what am I doing with my life? Oh wait, I don't have a life.

Stay Gold,

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