Welp...I Got Tagged

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Soooooooo...I got tagged by Riley_Winston to do this little thing...and yeah.

Fact One: I'm currently 14, heading into the 9th grade when school starts again.

Fact Two: As you can see by the picture, I wear glasses. I have myopia, which is nearsightedness.

Fact Three: My parents divorced when I was six years old.

Fact Four: I have three younger siblings. Two of them are biological (sister and brother), and the other one is my half-sister. My biological sister just recently turned 12, my brother turns 10 in two days, and my half-sister is 7.

Fact Five: I am a Soprano One in choir. For those of you who don't know what that means, let me break it down. So, in a standard treble choir, there are sopranos and altos. Those divisions can be separated even more into Soprano Ones, Soprano Twos, Alto Ones, and Alto Twos. The Ones mean that they're the higher parts of the sections. So, a Soprano One is higher than a Soprano Two.

Fact Six: My favorite school subject is Literacy.

Fact Seven: I consider quite a few numbers to be my lucky number. The top two numbers, though, are 13 and 16. I don't really know why 13, I guess I just like it that much. The 16 is for my birth date.

Fact Eight: Speaking of my birth date, my birthday is January 16th, and I was born in 2002. My birthday makes me a Capricorn (I'M A GOAT).

Fact Nine: I have big feet for my age; my shoe size is an 11 in women's.

Fact Ten: I have two pets. The first pet is named George (I named him). He's a Yorkshire Terrier, and he turns 4 on September ninth. Yes, I keep track of his birthday. My second pet is named Gizmo (I didn't name her). She's a guinea pig. My family doesn't know exactly how old she is because we got her from a customer at my mom's work. We made her birthday up to be October 13 (my idea) and we just guessed that she was 3.

So now, I tag people (*evil laugh*).

I summon QueenWinston, phantomfandomgirl12, Orange_Elephant, jazzyaf, and StayingGoldSince2002. If y'all don't want to do this, you don't have to. It'd be cool, though.

Love y'all, hope you enjoyed learning about me. *awkward peace sign*

Stay Gold,

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