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So, sorry for not updating a legit chapter (you know, like the usual with the Greasers and their reactions and such) in a while. BUUUUUUUT...I will soon get back on track. RIGHT NOW...I would like to thank someone for their kind words that they said about me. I'll have to tag them in the comments because my thingy is acting weird and yeah.

Anyway...I am ECSTATIC right now. That was one of the nicest things anyone's ever said about me. I actually started crying when I first read it. I can't choose my favorite part about it. It's all just so great.

Also, I have a question for y'all. Should I start doing a QOTD thing? If so, here's how it would go: y'all can ask me a question in the comments, and I'll answer it. I'll also ask y'all questions and you answer them. Does that sound good? Anyway, let me know.

Well, guys. I'm gonna go now. Goodnight or good morning or good afternoon, and I love y'all.

Stay Gold,

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