The Greasers And...StayingGoldSince2002

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This is to StayingGoldSince2002, and I hope you enjoy it, my dude.

Ponyboy: "She's very creative and has many ideas about things she feels passionate about."

Darry: "She's subtly protective of her friends she gains. She's also very appreciative of the things she receives."

Sodapop: "She may be subtle with it, but she's a great person to have a conversation with."

Steve: "She's a very chill girl."

Johnny: "She's very kind and very generous."

Dally: "She's not annoying, which is great. She's different from other people, but I just can't describe how."

Two-Bit: "When she makes a joke, they aren't the funniest. But it's the fact that they aren't the funniest that make them funny."

Well, man, hope you liked it! The joke thing was a compliment. Love ya, dude.

Stay Gold,

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