The Greasers And...Slime Videos

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Ponyboy: "This is goop. G o o p. Why are people satisfied by this?" *pokes it* "EW NO NO NO THAT FEELS WEIRD, NO."

Darry: "I agree with Pone. I'm sorry, but I don't get it."

Sodapop: "This is great, guys, I don't know what drugs you're on!"

Steve: *instantly falls in love with it and makes a rather successful YouTube channel about slime*

Johnny: "I actually like this. It's pretty."

Dally: "Not my thing. So what?"

Two-Bit: "I bet it would make for great hair gel!" *despite e v e r y o n e ' s warnings, he fucking does it* "GUYS THIS WASN'T A GOOD IDEA, I REPEAT, N O T A GOOD IDEA!"

Hello, those crazy enough to read this story! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.
I know I haven't updated in a bit, I'm sorry. I just haven't had any ideas. Who would've thought you could get writer's block from writing about seven fictional characters in the 21st century? Go figure, right?
Well, I'm currently on summer break -I go back to school August 14th :(((- and I have plans to see a movie with some friends next week! I'm really excited because this is my first time hanging out with people from my new school that I moved to this past January. So yeah, that's pretty great. I hope all of you are doing amazing! I'm gonna put a picture of me in case you don't know what I look like or forgot.

So yeah, there's me! :)

Stay Gold,

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