The Greasers And...phantomfandomgirl12

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This is for phantomfandomgirl12. I hope you enjoy it, my dude!

Ponyboy: "She's a very kind girl. She cares for people. You can tell it's genuine."

Darry: "She's protective and knows how to word things. She's considerate. I like that."

Sodapop: "She has her serious moments, then she has her times where she's goofy."

Steve: "She can crack a few jokes when she wants to. Knows her way around."

Johnny: "She understands hardships that people have. She wants to help people, maybe save some. She's gonna change the world."

Dally: "She's a tough cookie."

Two-Bit: "This girl is wild. Twosie likes that."

phantomfandomgirl12, I hope you enjoyed this! I liked making it.

Stay Gold,

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