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Guys...you should know what's coming up.

Thank you guys so much for 4K. I really appreciate it, and I love you guys so much. You're all amazing and I wouldn't be able ask for better people to share this story with. You're all wonderful and I can't even.

I know I do this every single time...but it's always a big milestone for me. Next time you see a chapter like this, it's gonna be 5 THOUSAND VIEWS. 5,000. 5K. 5 GRAND. ETC.

I tell my family whenever I reach a new thousand, and they tell me they're proud of me. They're proud that I keep this story. I'm proud of myself for doing it. I hardly ever say I'm proud of myself. The last time I did, it was after I got an A on my National History Day project. By the way, if you don't know what NHD is, consider yourself lucky.

Anyway, y'all are just...amazing. I apologize if you guys get angry or hate chapters like these, where I thank y'all for a new thousand, but I feel like y'all should know how genuinely sincere I am with my thanks. I hope I seem sincere because I am. I love y'all so much. You give me a higher self-esteem with your positive feedback and your long lasting support for the book. It's honestly remarkable.

And when y'all make requests, that makes it seem like y'all want the book to keep going. You don't want it to end, you don't want it to stop. You want more. You enjoy reading this. I love that. It makes me happy. When I'm upset, I think of your comments. It cheers me up. No lie, dudes. I also wonder what I did to deserve you amazing people. I'm also curious about how y'all came across my story.

So...I've been thinking. And what I was thinking about was what I should do for the 5K milestone. I thought of a Q and A about me and whatever else y'all come up with. When we get closer to 5K, I'll start taking questions unless y'all want to get your questions in early. There won't be a limit as to how many questions there'll be. So yeah.

Guys, I know I tell you frequently that I love y'all. I really do mean it. I love y'all more than you'll ever know and I'll never be able to show you guys just how much I love you. If we're being honest, it kinda hurts me that I'll never be able to meet any of y'all. It's true. I just want to hug y'all, talk to y'all face to face...I'm sorry, I got off track.

Well, guys, I'm gonna let y'all go back to doing whatever you were doing. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and keep on enjoying this book. I love you guys so much.

Stay Gold,

P.S.: You guys are the best. I mean it. Now, don't tell anyone. They might get jealous of you. 😋

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