The Greasers And...Dan and Phil

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(I made the edit up there myself, and I have mixed feelings over it.)

Ponyboy: *finds the duo entertaining, personally prefers Phil slightly more than Dan*

Darry: *finds them a tad too immature for their age, but finds them decent, personally prefers Dan over Phil*

Sodapop: *loves their energy, happiness, and perfect chemistry together, thinks of them somewhat like him and Steve with Steve being Dan and Soda being Phil, personally prefers Phil over Dan*

Steve: *loves how they complete each other and Dan's snarkiness, but doesn't want to admit he likes them, personally prefers Dan over Phil*

Johnny: *loves how easily he can smile and feel happy when he watches them, personally can't choose a favorite*

Dally: *thinks he's too tuff to watch them, doesn't really have an opinion about who he prefers*

Two-Bit: *loves their lame jokes and how happy they are together, personally can't choose a favorite*

Dude, Dan and Phil...God, I love them. They've helped so many people, they make people happy...I can't even. I hope you guys enjoyed this! Guys...

PHAN IS REAL! I'm sorry if you don't ship it...BUT GIRL.


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