The Greasers And...Fan Accounts

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Ponyboy: "This is kinda strange. I like the edits, though."

Darry: "This isn't terrifying at all. Especially the ones that are all about fucking us."

Sodapop: "I'm cool with it."

Steve: "Pretty girls are obsessing over us. Why would I complain?"

Johnny: "Ummm...okay."

Dally: "Well, then."

Two-Bit: "I would like to meet these people and hang out with them. They seem cool. Even if they're nerds. Cool nerds."

Well, here's another chapter for you guys. I hope you enjoyed it. By the way, the picture is C. Thomas Howell as a baby and OH MY GOD.

Also, literally every fan account I'm following, the account owner(s) are so pretty. Good God.

Oh yeah, and I came out yesterday on my fan account. I was crying, but I felt proud of myself. I also think I'm crushing on someone, too. She's really nice and cool and sweet and smart and dear Lord, I'm blushing.

Anywho, I'm gonna go now. So, like always, I love y'all.

Stay Gold,

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