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Well, my dudes, this story has 3k views. Yeah, I know, I know. Tira, are you gonna do a chapter like this every time you hit another thousand views?

The answer to that is maybe. Just depends when I stop crying every thousand views.

But guys, this chapter is significant. Why? Because only nine days ago, this story was at TWO THOUSAND. Nine days ago. Y'all...y'all blow my mind. It's amazing how much you read this. There have been times during writing this book when I thought Why do people read this? And that's a legitimate question: why do y'all read this? Does it cheer you up or something? Just for entertainment? Nothing better to do?

Anyway, guys I'm so happy that we grow together as the book grows longer. I love all of you so much and hope you have a great day.

Stay Gold,

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