The Greasers And...Twitter Fights

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Ponyboy: "Why are they fighting over something so stupid...using technology? Why are they fighting at all? I have lost all faith in humanity oh Lord."

Darry: "People are imbeciles, they should be working hard instead of fighting hard."

Sodapop: *laughs and roots for who he wants to win*

Steve: "This is very entertaining, but once it comes to one of my favorite celebrities...someone's gonna die if they insult them."

Johnny: "Why can't people get along? Especially if it's over something this stupid."

Dally: "Why are they fighting without me? A rumble ain't a rumble unless I'm in it."

Two-Bit: *is laughing along with Soda and calling the person he doesn't like the dirtiest names*

Stay gold.

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