Not An Update, Update

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So, this isn't a normal update. This is just...a rant, I suppose. I'm sure all of you have heard of the Orlando shootings, the gay nightclub and Christina Grimmie ones. If you have your own opinions about this and are wanting to share some negative comments (such as something about homosexuality), then I'm going to have to ask you to keep it to yourself or message me about it privately. If you feel disrespected or any kind of uncomfortable feeling, I swear it isn't intentional. I never want to make people feel bad in any way.

First off, Christina. She was so talented and amazing and special. She had so many things going for her and...she didn't deserve this. No one deserves to be shot. It's awful. So many people were devastated. The way I found out was from Shane Dawson, one of my favorite YouTubers. He posted on his Snapchat story this string of videos explaining Christina's death. He was crying and getting emotional, and I can't even. I couldn't even then and I still can't. At the end, he played one of her covers. She was, as I said earlier, amazing and talented and special. Why would a human being shoot someone else? I personally don't understand it. I can't imagine how hard it is for her family, for as far as I know, I've never handled something like this. If any of you have, I am so sorry. My sympathy is with you.

Second off, the gay nightclub shooting. Where do I begin with this? 50 killed, 53 injured. That is a ridiculous amount. Even one person hurt is a ridiculous amount. This is insane. I strongly support homosexuality, and I'm proud to say that I do. I will yell it from the mountains if I have to. People deserve love, no matter what. It's INSANE, this case is. If I'm not mistaken, it started because the shooter saw two men kissing in front of his three year old son and he didn't like that. I...I find that preposterous. For almost a YEAR, people of the same gender could be unified in a hopefully secure commitment. We all deserve love. We all deserve life. These days, "gay" is used as an insult. Why? Because society is so warped, that's why. Don't even get me STARTED on THE word. I'm sure you know what word I'm referring to.

Anyway, guys, I'm sorry for this update. I felt like I needed to get that off my chest. Like I said earlier, I'm sorry if you didn't like this.

Stay Gold and Stay Safe,

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