The Greasers And...Fangirls

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Ponyboy: *looks up what they are* "They don't seem too bad." *looks at raging fangirls* "...I'm scared now."

Darry: "These girls aren't so bad. But why they're obsessing over's kinda weird and creepy."

Sodapop: "...Are they fangirling over me or...?"

Steve: "Wowwww...that isn't terrifying at all."

Johnny: *blushes slightly*

Dally: *reads that they can get violent* "My type of women."

Two-Bit: "Okay so I heard that if they're weird enough they'll try and take merchandize which can sometimes include the person's clothes...I'm in!"

Ah, fangirls. Where would our generation be without us?

Stay gold.

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