The Greasers And...My Sexuality

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Before I begin this, I just want to state that there's a very important A/N at the end. Alright, continue your chapter reading.

Ponyboy: "Oh, wow. I...I did not expect that."

Darry: "I'm surprised."

Sodapop: "KNEW IT! I KNEW IT! PAY UP, STEVIE OLE PAL!" (He had a bet with Steve and yeah...)

Steve: "Shut up, Soda." *grumbles*

Johnny: "I'm happy for her. Good job."

Dally: "Nice."

Two-Bit: *spits out his beer* "HOLY CRAP! I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING!"

Well, guys. I have an announcement...and I'm shaking right now.

Alright, here goes nothing. I'm bisexual.

I know that y'all are very kind and very supportive, but I don't know how you guys would react to me telling you. I've known I was bi for a couple of months. I had/have a crush on one of my friends and she's a girl. Even though I'm bisexual, I mainly go towards dudes. Make sense?

I've been wanting to tell you guys for a bit, but I've been absolutely terrified. I feel so happy to come out. I love all of you so much. I...I don't know what else to say, so I'm just gonna skedaddle. Bye guys. I love you.

Stay Gold (and don't be afraid to be yourself),

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