The Greasers And...Spongebob

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Ponyboy: "What-"

Darry: "The-"

Sodapop: "Literal-"

Steve: "Hell-"

Johnny: "Is-"

Dally: "This-"

Two-Bit: "Tomfoolery?"

When it comes to Spongebob, I think this but I love it. So yeah.

I think I'm gonna start doing QOTD. So here's the first one! I'll ask a question and answer it (ATQOTD), and y'all can answer in the comments.

QOTD: How would you describe the color blue?
ATQOTD: Blue is when you feel the sour sensation of a blue raspberry food hitting your tongue, slightly making you pucker up but you love it. Blue is the smell of the ocean and the sound of the waves crashing. Blue is when you go swimming and you feel the cool water hit your skin, when the water's just fine. Blue is the tears streaming down your face at 3 in the morning as you stay up, busy thinking.

Well, yeah. That was that. Anyway, I love y'all.

Stay Gold,

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