The Greasers And...Memes

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Ponyboy: Some of these are very funny, others are weird... I find it interesting that there's a new trend about every month.

Darry: *mispronounces "meme", says it like "may-may"* These may-mays are quite strange...

Sodapop: "These are great. I would happily get married to them if they were real."

Steve: "Um okay...?"

Johnny: " Well...they aren't bad but they aren't my style."

Dally: "Get these out of my face."

Two-Bit: *dies from laughing so hard* "I LOVE THESE THINGS!"

Why, hello there! Remember me? The crappy author of this crappy book? It's been a long time, hasn't it? This book has 12.8K and I'm so confused because the last time I saw it, it had about 11K and I haven't written thank you.

QOTD: Favorite meme of 2016?
AOTD: I can't choose for I like way too many.

Stay Gold,

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