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Hey guys, how's it going? Some of y'all are most likely asleep (like good children unless you live somewhere where it's currently morning), but I thought Ya know what, Tira? Why don't we do something we haven't done in a while?

Well, what would that be?



So yeah, my dudes. Would y'all like another Q AND A? Don't worry about answering that, that was a rhetorical question. I already have two questions...NO THREE, three questions.

If you would like to submit a question, here's all you gotta do, booboo.

STEP ONE: THINK OF THE QUESTION. All the best things come from thinking...well...kinda. *looks into the distance dramatically*

STEP TWO: ASK ZE QUESTION. There are three places you can ask me the question. PLACE ONE- the comment section. If the questions could go on whatever the most recent chapter is at the time you ask your question, that'd be great. PLACE TWO- PMs. Since I don't have a social life or a busy schedule (most of the time), I'll check all of my messages pretty close to when you send them (unless there are technical difficulties, or unless I'm sleeping). But hey, I WILL GET TO YOUR MESSAGE. AND FINALLY, LAST BUT CERTAINLY NOT LEAST, PLACE THREE- the place on my profile where it says "Conversations". I check those things too, everyday, my man.

STEP THREE: MAN, YA JUST GOTTA WAIT FOR ME TO MAKE THE CHAPTER AND SUCH. There, your questions will be answered.

Now...Momma Tira has some requirements. Yes, I know it's weird to call myself that...but I am the mom friend.

First requirement: the questions need to be questions. Obvi.

Second requirement: I need to know who the question is directed to. It can be to any Greaser, ALL the Greasers, just a couple, just three, just four, just five, or just six. See, I would do a Q AND A for me along with this like I did with my last one, but nah. We can save that one for another time.

Third requirement: your question needs to be submitted by the Fourth of July. Don't worry, my dudes. That's about a week to ask the Greasers some questions.

So, ARE Y'ALL READY FOR THIS? WHOOOOOOOO. I'm sorry...I don't know what came over me. Anywho, I love y'all as always. Can't wait for the questions.

Stay Gold,

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