A/N TIME (yayyyy)

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So, hello my fellow people who need lives- I MEAN FANGIRLS. Oh wait, those are basically the same thing...


So, as you can probably tell by the title of this chapter, it's time for an Author's Note (yayyyy). I have a question for all of y'all (yes I know that technically that's incorrect grammar, but I live in the South; "all of y'all" is a common phrase down here. Also sorry if I just offensively stereotyped anyone. My apologies).

My question is if I should do anything else with this book. Ya see, I will do anything that's reasonable. I know with some books, there are like Q and A's and stuff like that. So if y'all want me to do something different (but I'll still do the whole thing with the Greasers reacting to stuff in our weird, weird world because duh), then let me know and I'll incorporate it.

Any suggestions?

Also, should I change my signing off thingy? It's Stay gold,


Should I change that? Anyway, I'm happy to hear any suggestions!

Stay gold,


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