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As you can tell by the title of this chapter, this is an Author's Note (yayyyy). Ooh and I know a little bit of different languages. Huzzah.

Wow I'm strange...ANYWAYZIES.

So, with this A/N, it pertains my PREVIOUS A/N. In case you didn't read that one, it talked about if I should do anything different, pretty much. At least I think it did...wow, author of the year right here, baby. *Note huge amount of sarcasm*

So someone, ThatUniqueGirl1112 ,to be specific suggested that I do a Q & A. I thought "Yo, bro, that's a coolzies idea." Then I reread it because life and saw that she suggested y'all ask questions and I have our favorite Greasers answer them. I thought "Yo, bro, that slayzies." Sooooo...comment below some questions y'all want the Greasers to answer. Also, QueenWinston requested a chapter about the Greasers opinions on her. That blew my mind like KLABOOMY! If y'all want me to do that, it might be harder depending on how well I know you. Me and Maya...bro we're like this *crosses fingers*. She's like one of my closest internet friends.

Anyway, does anyone else have any suggestions? Remember, PWEEEEEEEEASE comment some questions. There's no limit as to how many questions there can be...actually I take that back no more than...how about 37?

Stay gold,

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