The Greasers And...smolraindroop

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This is for smolraindroop, I hope you enjoy it!

Ponyboy: "She's creative and artistic. She seems to have a lot of hobbies that can bring both of those out, you know, without anyone telling her how to do them."

Darry: "I would say she's dedicated. She has things she does and she sticks to them, even if she finds another thing."

Sodapop: "She's somewhat awkward and friendly. It also seems like she doubts herself at times, but I don't see why she would."

Steve: "She's kind. Like Soda said, she's awkward and has a unique sense of humor, so to speak. It's kinda hard to explain, but it's like her awkwardness meshes with her humor."

Johnny: "She seems to genuinely care about people. She also seems to want friends, and I would think it's easy for her."

Dally: "She kind of seems to have a touch of sass, even if it isn't intentional."

Two-Bit: "Well, like Steve said, she has a unique sense of humor. I would say that it isn't as out there and that you have to dig deeper into her to see her humor. It's there, and her awkward nature has something to do with it."

I hope you enjoyed this! I liked writing it a lot.

Stay Gold,

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