The Greasers And...Modern Dances

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Ponyboy: *tries to imitate the moves but fails miserably*

Darry: *doesn't like them at all*

Sodapop: *loves doing them just for fun, even if he can't do them well*

Steve: *thinks Soda is crazy for trying the dances, then tries them with a snarl on his face*

Johnny: *is too shy to try them*

Dally: *acts all tough and like he never dances, but actually excels*

Two-Bit: *dances like his life literally depends on it*

Hope y'all enjoyed it! I can't dance to save my life; like the most I can do with ease is spinning in circles nonstop (I can instantly walk in a straight line right after my spinning, no matter how long I spin). So yeah.

Stay Gold,

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