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Hey, my dudes. So...guess what? This story, Greasers: Incorporated Into OUR Time by FangirlFrazier, has hit 500 votes. I feel so elated right now. I'm...I'm unable to think properly. You guys are awesome. This just means that we're halfway to 1,000 votes. That would be an honor.

But seriously, I love y'all so much. I know I'm a cheesy nerd, but I'm a cheesy nerd and proud of it. Y'all all slay, you're all phenomenal human beings and smol beans. So thank you guys for 500 votes. I appreciate it a lot.

Also, this story is already at about 4.3K, when just a couple of days ago, it was only 4K. That's magnificent and unfathomable for me. Thank you.

So...if y'all want, you can go ahead and comment your questions for the big 5K Q and A.

Once again, I love you guys. I will never stop loving you, and you guys will never stop amazing me.

Stay Gold,

Greasers: Incorporated Into OUR TimeWhere stories live. Discover now