The Greasers And...Percy Jackson (the book series)

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Ponyboy: "I like the fact that there are actual facts put into the books. Facts on the Greek gods, mythology, et cetera. Rick Riordan can put comedy in along with his facts. Very nice touch. I also like Nico and Annabeth a lot."

Darry: "I like how people of any age can read his books and still learn something."

Sodapop: "The jokes are nice. I like Percy a lot."

Steve: "Kinda interesting. Kinda not. Chocolate cake is way better than blue cake."

Johnny: "I like Grover and Tyson a lot. They're really tuff. They don't seem to get enough credit."

Dally: "That Clarisse chick is one tough cookie. So is Thalia. Pretty nice."

Two-Bit: "I'm liking Percy's sass. It's a nice touch."

Percy Jackson...what a wonderful series. I love the series for many different reasons.

Stay Gold,

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