The Greasers And...Donald Trump

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Ponyboy: "This guy is CLEARLY unqualified to be president. He's like a toddler, who acts like that when an opponent is speaking about presidential things? If he becomes president I am going to leave this country, probably this CONTINENT altogether."

Darry: "I don't want this guy to be running the country I live in. This guy will be the death of America."

Sodapop: "Okay I don't understand politics (A/N same Soda same), but I KNOW that this dude should not become the president. He would become more of a dictator or something. Dictator Donald or Tyrant Trump both have nice rings to it."

Steve: "What. The. ****."

Johnny: "SMALL LOAN OF A MILLION DOLLARS? SMALL?!?! No no no no no no no."

Dally: "Oh. My God. No sir. No. Just...God no."

Two-Bit: "May I HAVE that, quote unquote, SMALL loan of a million dollars?"

Quite honestly...I am a mixture of all the boys when it comes to Trump. If you like Trump...sorry for being rude. I will respect your opinion but I have my own.

Stay gold (and pray that we have a good president)

Greasers: Incorporated Into OUR Timeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें