The Greasers And...Steve With A Cold

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Ponyboy: *is honestly trying to stifle his laughter*

Darry: *takes care of Steve along with Sodapop*

Sodapop: *takes care of Steve along with Darry, babies Steve constantly*

Steve: "Guys, I'm fine. Thanks for caring, Dal. And Ponyboy and Two-Bit, y'all can shut your trap."

Johnny: "Are you okay?"

Dally: "Nice nose."

Two-Bit: "Hey Steve, do you need me to get anything for you? Water? Soup? Medicine? A sleigh to guide with a dude in a red suit in it?" *cracks up at his own joke*

Not gonna lie, when I finished writing Two-Bit's part, I busted out laughing. I even started crying a little bit. I was thinking "Wow, I'm so funny." Then I realized that I had been laughing to myself for almost two minutes...oh well.

Stay Gold,

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