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Your Point Of View:

I wake up every day hoping the way we being me and my friends were living was just a dream. A dream that I could easily wake up from and it wouldn't be a reality, but that wasn't possible because the way we were living was reality and it wasn't a dream.

I hoped the way we were living was just a dream because you wouldn't want to live like this, why? Not when you have this unknown source who or what it is, nobody knows scaring people out of their homes and scaring them that much they leave town, that is why.

There aren't many people left in this town now, this unknown source was to blame, how 'it' was scaring people away from here nobody knows or if they did they weren't around to tell others about it. They just leave without thinking about it, they leave their homes, belongings and memories behind to go where? That's something else I didn't know the answer too.

I remember just two months ago this town was very lively and now it was like the city out of maze runner, empty apart from some teenagers walking around the place, those teenagers were us and we had our own nightmare, a nightmare that we lived daily.

I didn't understand whatever this unknown source was, how it could have scared away so many people and nobody out of town knew what was happening, how was that possible? It wasn't, it didn't make sense.

Did people know this was going to happen, and if they did why didn't no one say anything about it to anybody?

There were many questions I had, and my friends had that we knew we wouldn't get answers too but that wasn't our priority right now, our main priority was keeping each other safe and out of the way of this unknown source.

We did that by boarding up the house, the windows and the front door, to make it look like from the outside that the house was abandoned which looked great if I do say so myself. We tried to stay indoors as much as we could only going out at night, just in case the unknown source was watching, which we knew it probably would be after all they were trying to make everyone leave town and we believed we were the only ones left as well as the odd people living in their house in the street which was about three people, I think.

We didn't know that for sure though because like I said the people that were still in town had the same idea to board up the house and make them look abandoned.

" We have a huge problem," Livvie said walking into my room. "What's the huge problem then Livvie?" I ask her, turning my head to look at her. "Brad stupidly drank the last of the milk," she said, I rolled my eyes. "And what's the big deal about that, we still have pop, water and other stuff you can drink Liv," I say, she looked at me then shook her head.

"That's the problem we don't, we need someone to go to the supermarket," she said. "Well, where's Brody? " I ask standing up. "He's downstairs with Brad," she said, "he actually wanted you to come downstairs, we need a group talk," she said, I followed her and we walked downstairs and into the living room that was lit by lamps.

We sat down on the floor, in a circle. I sat down next to Brad, Brody just looked at me. "So you wanted a group talk, so what's up?" I ask, leaning against Brad slightly. "We need someone to go to the supermarket to get more supplies for us" he started saying.

"And we need a group talk about this because?" I ask. Livvie laughed, "because we need to decide who is going that's why," she said, Brody nodding his head. "Exactly, I know we decided that normally if we need to go out onto the street we go in pairs, -"

"Why do I sense a but coming," Brad said, I looked at Brad he was staring at Brody. I then looked back at Brody, "this is the thing when we do go out and bring things back we need to make sure we don't go overboard with the supplies" he said then looked at Brad.

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