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Calum's Point Of View:

"Because if it was, tick it off your tick sheet Lance Corporal Calum Thomas Hood, because you fucking succeeded," She said leaving me shocked. I knew she liked me but I never thought she would ever say she loved me, she didn't even know me so how could she love me or be falling in love with me?

She couldn't be because everything I said and did was to get the job done, it wasn't part of my job description to get her to fall for me but she did and somehow, I actually had feelings for her too but I could never do anything about it I knew that. I couldn't do anything about how I actually felt about her, she probably thought it was all a lie but it was supposed to be but I did get feelings for her, feelings I could never act on for many reasons.

"Are you going to say something or not?" She asked me, raising her voice a little. I snapped out of my daydreaming and looked at her. "What do you want me to say, Yn. That I like you too?" I ask her. "No, because you've already said that before and you were obviously lying to me. I just don't get why, why would you lie about liking me if you never did in the first place Calum?" She asked.

Because I like you too' I thought to myself.

I shrugged my shoulders in response as I looked around the room. " To make it easier for the job alright, I did it all for the job at hand. I said everything I did because it would make the job easier for me and to get you to trust me. I wanted you to like me, I wanted you to get close to me, I wanted you to trust me Yn because then it would be easier to see how easy it is for somebody to get close to you and how easy it is for someone to gain your trust. " I said then looked at her, I noticed her eyes were tearing up.

I continued, "Guess what? It's easy to get you to trust people despite you apparently having trust issues. You're like a Rubix cube, you look hard to solve but deep down once I knew how to get around it, you were solvable. You've never been anything to me Yn, never have been and never will be, you were a part of a test that was it, everything we ever shared was for a purpose not because I actually liked you. Why would I like a girl like you when I have a girlfriend here at the base?" I said coldly, even though it wasn't true but I had to push her away as it could never happen.

"Well, I'm glad I'm finding out what you're actually like now. You're a liar and I hate you. I thought you liked me but it turns out like you said it was all for a test and I never meant anything to you. I'm glad we're now on the same page at least I know now I will never be anything to you. I was just a part of the test that this place was carried out. I was just used by you to complete your job, well I hope you're fucking satisfied because you've completed your mission now. You get to go back to fucking your girlfriend and what do I get out of all this? Just left with a broken heart, no family and wishing I made you hit your head harder than you did in that town. Because maybe just maybe, I would never have fallen for you as I have, I wouldn't be feeling like I was stabbed in the back by you and most of all, I wish I never even met you. I hope it was worth it, Calum" She said to me before walking over to the door.

"You don't mean that," I said to her, she stopped walked and turned to look at me. "What don't I mean?" She asked, raising her eyebrow. " All of it, you didn't mean it. I can tell I know you" I say, she laughed. "Yeah, but that still didn't change anything did it. You knew I had trust issues but yet you still did what you did for your job, to get cash, just to get the satisfaction of fucking me over and making me trust you."

"It was all for my job and it was worth every little lie and to see you stupidly fall for me," I said then laughed afterwards. "Funny that, because you know one thing I learnt from all this about you" She stopped talking as she turned back around after taking the lock off the door. "What?" I ask, clearing interested to hear what she had learnt about me.

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