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Yn's Point Of View:

After closing the door to my room behind myself, I began walking along the landing. "Hey, yn!" A voice said startling me, turning around I saw Tristan leaning against the wall looking at me. "Oh hey Tristan," I said, fake smiling. "What are you doing?" He asks raising his eyebrow.

"I'm going downstairs," I say confidently even though I wasn't, I didn't want him to know that I knew it was him and not Calum because that means he could try to kill me too.

"I'll come with you," He said pushing himself off the wall. "I'm capable of going downstairs on my own, Tristan. I don't need to be escorted" I said gritting my teeth. He chuckled, "yn I didn't say you needed an escort, I was going downstairs anyway." He said walking over to me.

Sighing mentally we both ended up going downstairs me going first, Tristan walking behind me. My heart was racing and I was getting bad thoughts in my mind, he was behind me what if he tried to push me down the stairs?

I sighed in relief when I hit the bottom and headed towards the kitchen. "Yn," Tristan said my name, I turned on my heels and looked at him. "Yes?" "I'm sorry about what Calum did to Brad," he said. I nodded my head then thanked him before turning back around and continuing to walk, knowing that Tristan was a liar. Eventually, after waiting for everyone to go upstairs, I quietly removed the boards from the back door and exited the house closing the door behind me. I walked round to the gate, walking through it I came round to the front of the house.

I then started running down the street heading in the direction that Luke told me Calum would probably be. I kept running, passing house after house.

I still couldn't believe after so long that the town turned to this, abandoned houses everywhere. I couldn't get over the fact that Tristan someone we trusted, tried to kill Brad and blame it on Calum.

I felt like a right bitch, pushing him away, his friends not believing him so he had no choice but to leave without anything. I couldn't even begin to imagine how he must be feeling right now, all his friends thinking he tried to kill Bradley while all the time it was Tristan.

Tristan was a good liar, I give him that but the thing with liars is eventually all the lies they have told will catch up with them and then karma bites back.

I stopped running and began to walk, getting a slight stitch from running a bit too fast, I was eager to find Calum. I had to find him and make everything right, I had to tell him that I knew he didn't try to kill Brad as it was Tristan. I need to make it better, I needed to apologise, I needed to say sorry. I just hope it wasn't too late as everyone makes mistakes, me making the biggest mistake I probably could have ever made believing that Calum could have possibly tried to murder my best friend.

I zipped up my jacket and continued walking, turning down different streets until I reached my destination, Calum's old house where he grew up. That is where Luke suggested Calum could have run off to, his old house the place with all the memories.

Calum's Point Of View:

I was sat in the loft of my old house sitting on the window sill looking out of the window, the tears rolling down my face. I couldn't believe that the people I cared about believed I was capable of attempted murder. I can't get over that my best friends believed I would do such a thing, why would I? I thought they knew me well enough to know I would never do such a thing but obviously, I was kidding myself they didn't know me at all.

You know what hurt me the most was not only the fact that my best friends believed I was capable of something like murder but yn believed I could do such a thing too. I thought she liked me and trusted me if she did she would have at least heard me out and listened to me. She didn't, I don't even think she liked me in the first place. Why couldn't I have been with my family, and died with them at least they cared, at least they would have believed me when I said I didn't do anything wrong. No, they had to be gone and I had to be living life with my best friends and others who all thought I was capable of fucking murder.

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