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YN'S Point Of View:

The next morning it was quiet too quiet. I got out of bed, yawned and stretched which was a normal routine for me and then brushed my hair putting it up into a bun again before leaving my room. I walked across the landing and stopped when I heard a "hey". I turned to see Tristan leaning against the door frame to the room he was sharing with Brad and Brody. "hello" I said. He smiled at me, "going down for breakfast?" He asked me, I nodded my head. "yes" I say and carried on walking. He started walking next to me, silently. "so, you're dating Brad right?" He asked me. I stopped at the stairs and looked at him.

"No, why are you interested in dating him?" I asked he shook his head while grinning. "I'm not gay," He said straight away. "then why are you interested in whether I'm dating Brad or not?" I asked, curious. "Just asking that's all," He said walking down the stairs. I followed him down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen following Tristan to see Luke, Brad and Livvie were awake and eating. "Morning!" I said happily. "Hello," Luke said, "Hey Yn," Livvie said smiling at me. I smiled at her before walking over to the cupboard and grabbing the pop tarts. Brad didn't say anything he continued to eat. I walked over to the table and placed them down after opening them. He then looked at me, not saying anything still. I raised my eyebrow at him, he shook his head and stood up and left the kitchen.

"What was all that about?" Livvie asked me. "Just Brad being Brad," I say picking up a pop tart and taking a bite."So about last night," Livvie said breaking the silence. I looked at her with a grin. "Yeah, you and Brody eh." I teased after not having my mouth full. She blushed. " Yeah, that kind of happened," she said. "You both jumped into bed huh," Luke said with a smirk. "How the hell do you know?" Livvie asked him. "I have my ways, no Calum told me," he said that made sense.

"So you two together now or what?" I ask curiously. She shook her head. "Nope he hasn't asked me yet," she said sadly and looked down. "Then why don't you jump the gun and ask him" I suggest to her. She looked at me then smiled. "You know what I might just do that right now," she said then excused herself from the table and left the kitchen leaving me, Luke and Tristan but Tristan left after five minutes.

I saw Luke looking at me. I raised my eyebrow, "you alright Luke? " I asked. He nodded his head then said. "So you and Calum, what's going on there then?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders in response because if I'm honest I had no idea. We both admitted we liked each other, we have kissed but other than that I had no idea where I stood.

" I have no idea if I'm honest," I say taking another bite of my pop tart. "I mean we kissed, I don't know if he told you that," I say, he nodded his head which I took as a yes. "And then Brad came in and then said that two people under the same roof couldn't be together. Turned out he was lying so I went and confronted Brad about it" I say.

"What did he say?" Luke asked me. "Well, long story cut short. He thinks I shouldn't date Calum. I would be stupid if I did because I don't know him and that he loves me too" I say. "Yeah it makes sense, to be honest YN, the way Brad has been reacting and behaving lately especially towards Calum, however, he has a point about dating Calum," he said.

I looked at him confused, "what do you mean?" I asked. "You both don't know each other, yet your thinking about getting together maybe you should listen to Brad and get to know each other before you jump into the deep end and get together," Luke said. I nodded my head. "True but sometimes life is more fun when you jump into the deep end," I say to him. "True but I really do think you should get to know each other and then when you do then decide if you want to be together. Don't rush things." He said.

"I don't know, well I don't know what's happening between us anyway so don't worry," I said to him before finishing my pop tart and leaving the kitchen while chewing. Maybe they were right, Brad and Luke. Dating someone I hardly knew was stupid, even though Luke didn't say that. Maybe, I should get to know Calum first before I jumped into the deep end as Luke said. Maybe, getting to know Calum would be the best idea especially in this situation we are all in. I really liked him, though.

I walked upstairs, passing Michael and Ashton on the landing. "Hello," Ashton said smiling at me. "Hello Ashton," I say smiling back at him before walking into my room to get dressed out of my pyjamas and into some clothes. I walked over to my wardrobe and opened the door to look when I felt arms go around my waist and a head resting on my shoulder. I smiled thinking it was Calum. "I'm sorry about what I said" it wasn't Calum it was Brad.

I removed his arms from around me and turned to look at him. "Sorry doesn't change the fact you said my parents would be disappointed with me. That was a low blow, Brad. You know that don't you. You know what happened to my parents, even your parents died too Brad. How would you like it if I said what you said to me to you?" I asked him.

"I'd be feeling the same way you are right now. But, you have to believe me. I'm sorry, I didn't plan on saying that it just slipped out of my mouth because I was angry with you. In a way I wanted to hurt you because you hurt me" he said looking at me.

"How did I hurt you, Brad? All I said was that I don't like you, in the way you like me and because I said I might get with Calum you said what you did." I say then noticed his eyes were teary. "Why are you crying? " I ask, "because I'm losing you." He says I roll my eyes. "You're not losing me, Brad, it's just you have changed that's all. I don't know if it's a good change either." I say honestly. He shook his head. "How have I changed? I've adapted to the situation we're in yn. I haven't changed. I'm still me." He said. I shook my head.

"Right the Brad I once knew would never talk about my parents like you did. The Brad I knew wouldn't have been so against seeing their best friend happy." I say. "I want to see you happy, I do," he says then stops. "Then why can't you let me be happy?" I asked raising my voice.

"Don't you think I want you to be? It's hard being in love with you when I know now there never is going to be a chance of us being together. The fact is, I want you to be happy I do but do you think Calum can make you happy? You don't know him" he said.

"Brad we're not talking about Calum again," I say. "Fine, well I'm sorry alright. I'm sorry that I've changed but I only want to keep you safe, all of you" he said wiping his eyes."And because I care about you that much I'm willing to give Calum a chance despite how I feel about him and how I feel about you. I will back off, for now, to make you happy but if he even does one thing you're not happy with and goes too far-" he started saying but I cut him off by hugging him. "Thank you, " I say. " Thank you thank you thank you," I said over and over again.

"Even though I don't think I want to date him- " I was starting to say to Brad when I pulled away to see Brad looking behind me. I had this bad feeling that someone was there, I turned around to see Calum standing there. " Calum listen you didn't hear what I was going to say," I said quickly. He just stood there looking at me. "What were you going to say then?" He asked calmly which I was shocked about."I was going to say I didn't want to date you not yet as I think it would be best if we got to know each other first," I say to him. He nodded his head then smiled. "I agree with that"

He walked into the room and walked over to me. Brad stepped forward and I watched as he stood in front of Calum. Calum was silent as he looked at him. Brad then held his hand out to Calum, Calum just looked down at his hand then back up. "it is a jester mate, I might not like you but for yn's sake because she likes you that much I'm willing to try to a least tolerate you even though you stole my girl. " he said, Calum shook his hand.

" Well looks like the best guy won" Calum joked, I looked at Brad hoping he would laugh and not get angry as Brad had anger issues which anyone could tell."Yeah well, you best treat her right," he said pulling his hand away and walking out of the room. I looked at Calum and smiled. "Was that Brad's way of saying he wasn't going to intervene anymore?" He asked. "Yes," I said, he just smiled.

He grabbed my hand and walked us to his room he shared with the boys. We laid down on his bed both of us laying down on our sides to look at each other. He held my hand. "So beautiful tell me about you," he said interested. But telling him about myself meant telling him everything, including the death of my parents which I don't talk about but I had to tell someone and if it had to be any of the boys, it had to be Calum.

We wanted to get to know each other and that meant telling everything, showing that we actually trust each other but it's hard talking about my parent's death especially how they died but I survived.

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