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Back at The Unknown Source Base:

Third Person Point Of View:

As the news spread through the base that the test was now over, it was completed successfully, the four teenagers that the test was all focused on were now either at the base or heading towards it. The workers at the base couldn't help but smile and cheer as they knew it was a success. Now they could move on to telling the four teenagers the truth and talk to them about how they needed their help. How the truth would go down with the teenagers they had no idea, they just had to wait and see how they would react when finding out the truth.

As Yn, Ashton and Michael were being brought to The Unknown Source Base, Livvie and Brody were removed from the room they were in with Luke and were allowed to go back to their quarters to freshen up while they waited for further instructions. Luke was left alone yet again, left alone with his thoughts. He didn't know why Brody and Livvie were removed from the room, he didn't understand why he was left alone and wasn't taken. As Luke was alone yet again he started to think about his friends, he wondered if he was ever going to see them again. He had already lost his family he couldn't lose his close friends as well and the new friends he had made from such a horrible situation. He couldn't survive on his own.

Meanwhile, outside The Unknown Source Base, the van containing Michael had arrived. Two men got out of the van and walked around it heading towards the back of the van. "Do you still think he's still sedated?" One asked the other. " I have no idea, one way to find out" The other replied and opened the back doors to the van to see Michael was still lying down just where they put him.

One of them jumped in the van and walked over to where his head was to check if he was still heavily sedated which he was. They both grabbed Michael, one gripping him around the waist and one holding his legs to get him out of the van; they quickly carried him to the entrance of the base, through the doors and headed to the room where Luke was to place him in there, following instructions from their commander.

Michael was soon placed in the same room as Luke, who had no idea that his friend was now in the room all Luke heard was the sound of the men talking. "Just lay him down on the floor over there," One said to the other and Luke presumed they did just that before he heard the door close again. "Hello," Luke said, trying to see if he would get any response from the person who was now in the room with him, but he never got a response. Luke sighed, resting his head against the wall. "I might as well be alone," He said to himself.

It was quiet in the room for what felt like forever to Luke till heard a groan from the opposite side of the room. "What the hell- where the hell am I?" He heard Michael ask, Luke, smiled knowing he had one of his friends with him now. "We're locked in a room" Luke spoke up. "Luke, is that you?" Michael asked him, he knew it was him he just wanted to be certain, just so he knew he wasn't hearing things, after all, he did think he had a needle or something injected into him for his whole body to shut down.

"Yes it's me, Michael," Luke said. "Oh thank god, I'm not imagining things. Where exactly are we?, and don't say a room, Luke, because if you do, I will come over there and smack-" He started saying but was cut off, he went silent when the door opened. "Just place them down on the floor over there and keep an eye on Luke and Michael we don't want them trying to escape," Someone said, to a couple of others as both of them heard multiple "okays" before hearing footsteps. "Are we placing them gently on the floor or what?" Someone asked. "Yes, of course, they're not animals Daniels, just place them on the floor. We need them to help us and if they have brain damage they aren't going to be able to do that"

"Right sorry, placing them gently on the floor," The Daniels lad said. It wasn't long after they all walked back out closing and locking the door behind themselves. "Hey, Michael" Luke said breaking the silence.

Unknown SourceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon