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Luke's Point Of View:

"What?" "You heard me, when are you going to move out. We don't want you here not now that we can't trust you" Brody said to us all. "now wait a minute, we didn't break your trust Luke did if anyone should be leaving it's Luke" Michael said leaving me shocked as well as Calum and Ashton who gasped.

How could he say that? I know we don't see eye to eye but for him to say that did he not like me at all? I couldn't leave not on my own, how could I survive alone out there with the unknown source? I'd be vulnerable as I was alone. "Michael I can't believe you've said that," Calum said shocked by Michael's words. "What it's the truth Luke was the one who brought it here, why should we be thrown out because of him. Luke broke the trust so he should leave" Michael said.

"Leaving him on his own is not going to happen. If Luke goes, we go" Ashton said to Michael. "Excuse me, Ashton, you're speaking for yourself. You can leave with him but I haven't done anything to say I can't be trusted here" Michael pointed out to Ashton. Michael looked at Brody and Livvie who was now looking at him. "Have I done anything to break the trust?" He asked. "N-no you haven't. You're right it's Calum and Luke that have betrayed our trust. They should both leave" Brody said.

Michael smiled knowing that he didn't have to leave but yet I couldn't feel more betrayed by someone who was supposed to be my friend and yet you wonder why I have trust issues. This is why getting stabbed in the back."I haven't done anything and if you're referring to the Brad incident. It wasn't me, I didn't try to kill him for the hundredth time it was somebody else. But you're right about one thing moving out seem likes a good idea, I'm certainly not going to stay in a house without one of my best friends. If Luke goes, I go." Calum said, making me smile.

See this is why Calum is my best friend, he's the only one who has my back, well Ashton occasionally. "Surely we can sort this out without making rational decisions," Yn said trying to change Brody's and Livvie's mind, Brad looked at her. "I'm happy to leave as Calum said. I'd rather be somewhere alone than be in a place where nobody wants me around" I say, speaking up for the first time.

"But you shouldn't have to, everyone makes mistakes," Yn said to me. She then looked at Brody. "Brody listens what he did was wrong, yes but if he didn't even look at the file then is the trust actually broken? He didn't look at our information. We all know each other anyway now so why tell him to leave. It's stupid" Yn said trying to reason with him.

Third Person Point Of View:

However as Yn tried to reason with Brody and Livvie about telling the boys to leave that has turned out to be Luke and Calum now, she wasn't winning. She didn't want Luke to go and be alone, but she certainly didn't want Calum to go with him.

"I agree with Brody and Livvie here, if they broke the trust they should leave," Tristan said only to be glared at by Yn, Luke and Calum. Yn looked to Brad only to see he was no longer in the room. Where was he?

"You have no say in this what so ever, you haven't been in this house long" Yn harshly said to Tristan. "Yn at least he's been trustworthy and cares about us, unlike some people who only care about themselves and some attempted-" Brody started saying but was cut off by Yn.

"Shut up, Tristan trustworthy are you kidding me. He's not trustworthy at all. He's the most untrustworthy person in this house out of all of us" Yn said. "Well if that's true, why don't you leave with Luke and Calum." Livvie spat to her. Yn couldn't believe that her own friend said that to her about leaving the house.

"Wait we're not letting someone of our own group leave Livvie. Yn hasn't done anything" Brody said to her. "No, but she'll leave if Calum goes." She pointed out. It was obvious to all of them that Calum and yn liked each other, they wouldn't leave each other. "Maybe it wouldn't have to happen if you let them stay," Yn said trying again to get them to change their minds.

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