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Brody's Point Of View:

Later that night I was walking around the house trying to find the others, they weren't in any rooms upstairs. The attic, I thought to myself. I ran back up the stairs and then climbed up to the attic and pulled myself up to see them all sat looking out the window.

"Well, thanks for letting me know we were having a family gathering up here," I say sarcastically as I walked over to them and sat down. "Oh sorry didn't you get the invite? "Brad joked, I rolled my eyes. "Haha, funny Bradley," I said.

"So what you all doing up here?" I asked looking at them all one by one. "Look" Livvie pointed out of the window not looking at me. I looked out the window and saw the sky, it had a big streak of pink in it. I smiled, " it's beautiful isn't it," YN said, I nodded my head in agreement. "it is," I say. We all then sat in silence. "so are you both going to tell us why you aren't talking to each other?" I ask Yn and Brad.

"Ask him," Yn said coldly and continued looking out of the window.

"Well she was talking to one of the guys that chased us," Brad said looking at me. "What's wrong with that?" I ask, Brad just gave me one of his looks. "What's wrong with that? Am I the only person here who thinks she was being stupid?" Brad said. "I ain't fucking stupid. I was talking to him for heaven sake Brad." Yn said back shooting him a glare, Brad rolled his eyes. "besides I think she was getting the idea of trying to join up with the other group" Brad continued.

"There's a group of them?" I ask, interested. "Yes, there's four of them, Calum, Luke, Michael and Ashton" Yn informed us. I nodded my head, listening. "Well don't you think joining up with another group might be a good idea" Livvie spoke up, Yn smiled at her. Brad shook his head, " no." "Why do you think that Liv?" I asked her, "you can't be serious Brody, you can't be thinking it's a good idea," Brad said to me. I held my hand up to silence him. "I didn't say that but if it's an idea we should at least consider it," I say to him, he groaned and crossed his arms.

" stupid idea if you ask me, we don't know them" he then said. "Liv, what do you think?" I asked looking at her. She looked at me. " I can see where Brad is coming from, but I think maybe it could be a good idea, there's four of us and there's four of them, right?" She asked looking at yn, Yn nodded her head. "yes" "then maybe having eight of us instead of four is a good idea, it'll be easier for us to be able to know that we're safe" She said. "safe, living with strangers they could kill us or are you forgetting that, we don't know them" Brad said a little overdramatic.

"How do you know one of us wouldn't kill you in your sleep," Yn said, looking at Brad, Brad shot her a look. "Funny," He said sarcastically, Yn rolled her eyes and looked back out of the window. " Maybe now don't jump the gun here Brad, but maybe it could be good for us," I say, "You're fucking stupid if you think doing that is a good idea," He said, raising his voice slightly. "If you can't talk calmly Brad, you will not have any input in this decision," I say sternly to him." decision, there shouldn't be any decision to make, I don't think it's a good idea and I will not change my mind," He says.

"Yn what do you think?" I ask her, " why are you asking her, she would happily go running to them even though there could be a slight possibility that you all seem to be forgetting about here, they could be working for the unknown source," Brad said. "Brad just shut up, I think it's a good idea and if Brad doesn't like it, he knows where he can go," Yn said standing up and stretching her legs before sitting back down.

"What do you think Brody?" Livvie asked me, " I understand everything you all have said but sometimes you have to take a risk if it doesn't work then it could just go back to being us four." I say, Brad scoffed.

"stupid idiots" he muttered to himself. "How are we even going to talk to them to see if they wanted to join up with us?" Livvie asked. "Talk through the walkie talkie," Yn said to her."So let's confirm this, we agree that joining together will be a good idea, yes or no?" I ask them all. "yes" Yn said. "Yes," Livvie said. "No, I repeat you all are so stupid," Brad said annoyed."Well seeing as I'm the oldest here, I will have the final say and I say for now we should go with the idea of joining up with the other group," I say, Brad soon got up and exited the attic. "Well let's get the walkie talkie and try and talk to them," Livvie said, we all got up and exited the attic.

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